How to Shift Your Money Mindset and 10 Powerful Ways to Manifest Money Now
Law of Attraction,  Personal Growth

Complete Guide: How to Shift Your Money Mindset and 10 Powerful Ways to Manifest Money Now


How do you manifest money …and lots of it? Well now, isn’t that the million-dollar question!

The fact is, we all want more money. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t. Don’t you get excited when you find a dollar bill on the ground or better yet a twenty? It feels like winning the lottery. Although most of us dream of winning quite a bit larger jackpot.

It consumes our thoughts. We spend our lives worrying about money, always feeling as though we don’t have enough. While those who do, want more.

So, what’s the secret to manifesting more money?

It doesn’t matter if you want to manifest a specific amount of money for a new car, a much-needed vacation, or just so you can pay your rent this month.

Or if you have loftier goals and want to manifest a higher income, your dream home, or enough wealth that you can quit your job and travel the world.

Attracting more abundance and wealth into your life comes down to one thing — your money mindset (a.k.a. your relationship to money).

Want to learn how to shift your money mindset and become a money magnet? Then keep reading. You’re in the right place!

In this post, I’ll show you how to shift your money mindset by uncovering the beliefs that are blocking you from the wealth you deserve. Then, you’ll learn how to reprogram those negative thought patterns with positive ones that’ll attract abundance.

Finally, I’ll share with you 10 sure-fire techniques you can use to manifest money and wealth into your life right now.

Plus, I’ve created a free Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance Affirmations Printable with 44 amazingly powerful affirmations. The printable also includes blank manifesting checks you can print out and use if you’d like to give the Magic Check technique (as described below) a try.

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click on those links. For more information, you can read my disclosure policy.

10 Powerful Ways to Manifest Money Now | Liz in Lotus

Table of Contents

  1. Learn to Think Rich
    1.1. Fundamentals Truths About the Universe
    1.2. Where Does Your Mindset About Money Come From?
    1.3. Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset
  2. How to Shift Your Money Mindset
    2.1. Identify Money Blocks
    2.2. Reframe Your Negative Beliefs About Money
    2.3. Emotional Money Blocks
    2.4. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
  3. Learn to Act Rich
    3.1. 7 Wealthy Habits
  4. 10 Manifestation Techniques to Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance
    4.1. Visualization
    4.2. Arigato Your Money
    4.3. Prosperity Game with Magic Checks
    4.4. I Remember When
    4.5. Auto-Inquisition
    4.6. Using Crystals
    4.7. Affirmations for Money, Wealth + Abundance
    4.8. Guided Money Manifestation Meditations
    4.9. Journaling
    4.10. Mind Movies
  5. Live in the End of the Wish Fulfilled
Think rich and release your scarcity mindset

Learn to Think Rich

There are people in this world that are born money magnets and have always (and will always) have the abundance so many of us crave.

Others seem to only scrape by and long for the luck that seems to follow these blessed people.

Do you know why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer? That statement isn’t true because poor people can’t get rich. Or even because it’s hard to attain the wealth you desire.

People who have lots of money attract more of it because they have an abundant mindset.

Our thoughts about money are often the very thing that either attracts or repels it.

That’s the secret to their success. And that’s exactly what’s holding you back from all that you desire.

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Fundamental Truths About the Universe

If you want to turn things around and start turning things to gold, well then King Midas, you need to start spinning a new money story. And to do that you first need to understand two fundamental truths about the universe you live in.

  1. Money is just energy.
  2. There is NO lack in this universe. It doesn’t exist. There is ONLY abundance.

By embracing these two facts about our reality, you’ll be establishing the foundation for a new way of relating to money and building a healthy money mindset.


Money is NOT magical green paper. It’s a symbol. A tangible symbol for the energy of exchange. We’ve assigned a value to this symbol and exchange it for goods and services.

Before there was money, there was gold and silver. And before that, people used to barter.

It’s all just an exchange of energy — your energy for my energy.

To get what we want, we trade energy. And there’s a flow to it. Money flows in and money flows out. A give and take.

When you begin to think of money in this way, you realize we must spend energy in order for it to return to us. That there is an abundance of it, and we will never lose it. There will always be more of it. And that energy is not good or bad. It’s neutral.

Changing how you see money, allows you to loosen your attachment to the symbol itself and stop putting it on a pedestal that’s out of your reach. Because it belongs to us all.

That’s the first step in attracting money into our lives and manifesting abundance.


We live in an abundant universe, folks. The sooner you embrace this concept, the sooner you’ll be able to release resistance to the things you wish to attract. Here, let me break this down for you.

The universe is infinite. And what does infinite mean? Unlimited.

So, there is no lack. Let me say that again.

There is NO lack in the universe.

It doesn’t exist. There is ONLY abundance.

We’ve just established that money is energy (as are all things in this universe).

And as Einstein taught us, energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Everything already exists that ever will exist. And it will always exist.

There are no limited resources in creation. Only our limited mindset.

And from a limited mindset, you can’t see all the opportunities for wealth and prosperity that are right in front of you. They’re hidden from your view. You close yourself off from them.

With an abundant mindset, you train your mind to seek out ways to attract money and are open to receiving it.

When you see this truth, that there is no lack, you begin to pull yourself out of a scarcity mindset and open up to a mindset of abundance.

Where Does Your Mindset About Money Come From?

Your money mindset mostly stems from childhood through early experiences with money, lessons taught to you by your parents, and by the habits of those around you growing up.

The education about money we received in school, the media, and the collective consciousness of money that exists in society (which is largely that of scarcity) have also done a bang-up job of keeping us in a poor money mindset.

But your current environment is an important factor in this equation as well. Take a look at the people you hang out with, your community, the material you expose yourself to (like movies, television shows, books, etc.). If you’re surrounded by people with a broke mindset, it’s much more likely that their habits will rub off on you.

In other words, your mindset is a sum of all the messages about money that you’ve internalized over the course of your lifetime and determines which mindset you adopt — scarcity or abundance.

That means that our beliefs about money are deeply ingrained in our subconscious and require serious reflection to reprogram our minds for abundance.

Abundant vs. Scarcity Mindset

Let’s take a quick look at just how different these two mindsets are with some examples of each belief system.

I mean, if you’re going to think rich, you need to know how a rich person thinks. Right now, I’m guessing it’s a completely foreign concept to you.

So, let’s take a peek into the mind of someone with an abundant mindset.


An abundant mindset goes a little something like this…

You appreciate what you have and you’re generous with what the universe has blessed you with. You enjoy sharing it with others and never fret over how to make more because you know there is plenty of it. And there will always be more.

Your relationship with money is free of worry or doubt. Money is not a source of stress because you’re confident in your ability to make and receive it.

You feel financially secure.

You say things like, “It’s only money, you can always make more,” and “I’m so lucky because I have everything I need.”


Whereas a scarcity mindset sounds a wee bit more like this…

You never have enough and are always scrambling to make ends meet. You’re always searching for ways to make more money and stress when it comes to paying the bills or handing your money over to others.

You hoard any wealth you accumulate and resist having to part with it.

You scrimp and save every precious penny you earn because you believe there’s a finite amount of wealth in the world and you need to hoard your share.

You complain about prices and people may even call you ‘cheap’ or ‘stingy’. Or on the flip side, you often spend more than you have, have a hard time holding on to money, and find yourself in debt.

Your relationship with money is based in fear and anxiety. And you feel uncertain about your financial future. You never quite feel like you or your bank account will ever be enough.

You say things like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees!” or “Are you kidding?! I can’t afford that!”


Here’s the good news, my little chickadee. If you find that you’re operating from a scarcity mindset, you are NOT stuck. You can turn things around.

But if you want to shift your mindset, you need to uncover all the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from attracting the money and wealth you desire.

Then you’ll take those beliefs, reframe them, and reprogram your subconscious with new beliefs of abundance.

So, how do you identify those nasty money blocks? And more importantly, how do you squash them? Let’s take a look, shall we?

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: I’m always here to guide, support, and cheer on as many people as I can in manifesting the life of their dreams. So, if you decide you’d like more guidance in your manifestation journey, you can signup for one-on-one coaching so we can discuss your specific issue.

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How to shift your money mindset and identify money blocks

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

Identify Your Money Blocks

You may be asking yourself, ‘What exactly is a money block?’

Simply put, a money block is any thought, emotion, or belief about money that keeps you from reaping the bountiful abundance and prosperity that the universe has to offer.

They get in the way of you getting out of debt, making more money, receiving financial opportunities, or affording the lifestyle of your dreams.

Spend a day or two observing your thoughts and emotions regarding money and wealthy people. Think of any negative comments or beliefs you’ve heard from the media, family, or friends.

Write them all down. Really dig deep. You may even want to meditate on uncovering your hidden limiting beliefs.

Some common negative beliefs are:

  • Money is the root of all evil. It’s bad or dirty.
  • Making money is hard.
  • Money is hard to come by.
  • I must work hard and sacrifice to earn money.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • I must hold on to money because I never know when I may receive more.
  • I must scrimp and save to get ahead in this world.
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  • More money, more problems.
  • Rich people are greedy, awful people.
  • Money changes people.
  • I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.
  • My parents weren’t rich, so I will never be rich.
  • Money hurts people.
  • Money disappears fast. I don’t know how to manage lots of money.
  • I can never hold on to money.
  • People will be jealous, ask for handouts, or think I’m better than everyone else.

Reframe Your Negative Beliefs About Money

Once you’ve got all your limiting beliefs about money down on paper, it’s time to rephrase each one into a positive version of that belief.

Here are a few examples to show you how to do this:

Negative: I must work hard and sacrifice to earn money.
Positive: I can make money in my sleep. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

Negative: Money is hard to come by. It doesn’t grow on trees.
Positive: Money is in abundance in this world. There is more than enough money for everyone.

Negative: More money, more problems.
Positive: Money is freedom and creates happiness.

Now THAT’S how a rich person thinks. They attract wealth because of their relationship and attitude towards it.

How can you expect to attract something that you subconsciously don’t want, or believe you will never be worthy of?

You are the creator of your reality. And what you believe becomes fact. So, if you believe it’s hard to make money, then it is. Your subconscious mind will make it so.

You merely need to change your perception of money and look at it from a new perspective. That’s what’s been holding you back.

Your luck isn’t what needs to change, only the thoughts in your head.

Then good luck will follow suit (and maybe a pot of gold, too😊).

Emotional Money Blocks

If you’re still having trouble identifying your money blocks, check your emotions.

Emotions play a huge role in the Law of Attraction. Any thoughts empowered by strong emotions (like fear, guilt, shame, love, and so on) are burned into the subconscious mind.

These thoughts (negative or positive) then become your core beliefs and dictate what your subconscious will draw in toward or push away from you.

So, think about how you FEEL when you purchase something, pay a bill, give money to someone, or look at your bank statement. Are you stingy with your money? Are you appalled at what things cost or resent when someone asks for money? Do you feel fear or bitterness when you have to part with the money you have?

After identifying your feelings, it’s time to brainstorm the reasons WHY you feel that way.

Most of these negative emotions revolve around our belief in lack.

What to do…


Once you’ve unearthed the skeletons in your money mindset closet, then what? Well, my friend, then it’s time to release your poor mindset and feelings of lack.

The most effective way to reprogram the subconscious is through repetition.

That’s why establishing a daily routine for at least 30 days filled with affirmations, subliminals, and journaling are crucial tools in replacing the negative beliefs you have surrounding money with positive ones.

NEED EXTRA HELP? For more detailed step-by-step instructions on rewriting limiting beliefs and how to set up a daily manifestation routine, be sure to read Steps 2 and 3 in my article here where I lay out the 7 steps to manifesting love.

The process for using these manifestation tools is the same no matter what you’re attempting to attract into your life.

🌟Want to Know More? If you’d like to learn more about how the subconscious mind works and four powerful ways to reprogram it, check out How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Unlock Your Superpowers.

Be sure to grab your copy of the free Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance Affirmations Printable below to get started attracting some extra cash in your pocket or truckloads of wealth. It’s all up to you and what you’re open to receiving.

BONUS: A great book to help you view money and wealth in a new light is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It’s a classic and a book that any manifestor should have in their library.

RELATED: How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Unlock Your Superpowers

Act rich and release your scarcity mindset with 7 wealthy habits

Learn to Act Rich

Ok, so if you’ve made it this far, you know the difference between a poor man’s mindset vs. a rich man’s mindset. You’ve also learned how to identify and clear your money blocks to shift into a mindset of abundance.

So, now you’re thinking like a rich person. But you also need to ACT like a rich person.

Not only do your thoughts, emotions, and energy need to align with your desire. But your actions must be in alignment as well.

Like attracts like, remember?

That’s why you must also adopt the habits of wealthy people in order to fully embody the frequency of abundance. Otherwise, you won’t successfully attract the money you desire because you won’t be a match to it.

Side Note: If you’re looking to manifest a few extra bucks in your pocket, you can skip this part. But, if you’re reading this article, I’m assuming you want to attract a constant flow of wealth and a more abundant lifestyle…not just finding a $20 bill on the sidewalk.

So, even if you just want to manifest enough money to pay your rent this month or afford a well-deserved vacation, embodying these habits will help you become the kind of person that attracts luck, wealth, and abundance.

With an abundant mindset, you will feel like a winner. So, it will feel natural to receive extra cash flow, unexpected checks, a higher income, or new financial opportunities.

You are essentially eliminating the resistance you have to these situations because they no longer feel unattainable or like they couldn’t possibly happen to you.

You’re opening the gateway to receive your desire.

7 Wealthy Habits


The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. So, choose those that you spend your time with wisely.

When you surround yourself with successful people, you will become successful. Why? Because you’re exposing yourself to their ‘rich habits’ — which will eventually rub off on you.

In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn:
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”


Allow yourself to splurge every once in a while. You don’t have to go crazy or max out your credit cards. But stop worrying so much about money.

Rich people don’t restrict their spending or constantly tell themselves they can’t afford things. Be responsible, but remind yourself that it’s only money. More of it will find its way to you when you need it.


This doesn’t have to cost you a thing (or at least not that much). Prepare yourself for the lap of luxury your attracting by dressing up every once in a while, pulling out the fancy dinnerware, or celebrating with a bottle of champagne just because.

And if you want to get a little crazy, treat yourself from time to time with a spa treatment, a mani-pedi, or some fresh flowers.

Another great idea is to do lots of window shopping and mentally purchase the items you’ll buy when the money starts rolling in.


Clean up your finances (and your wallet). Learn how to manage the money you already have so you’ll be able to handle the extra money you want to attract.

You can also clean out your home to make room for the new items you plan to buy with the money that starts flowing in. So, giving away items you no longer use or that could be of benefit to someone else is a great way to free up space and feel abundant.


The wealthy understand the energy of money. It’s not stagnant but constantly flowing. So, be more generous and give back.

Whether that’s donating to your favorite charity or treating a friend to coffee. It doesn’t have to be huge.

But when you’re generous, you’re reinforcing the belief that there’s plenty of money to go around. And that there will always be more where that came from.


Wealthy people are always learning new things and expanding their minds. The average person reads 1-2 books a year. While the richest people in the world read one book per week.

So, learn a new language. Learn a new skill. Or dive into books about Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, and other people who’ve manifested the kind of wealth you hope to manifest yourself.

You could also learn about finance. Self-improvement. Whatever turns you on, mate. Just learn something.

Books aren’t the only way to expand your mind, though. You could also listen to inspirational teachings, podcasts, or watch YouTube videos that motivate as well as educate you.

Need some ideas? Click here for a ton of YouTube channels and podcasts that are sure to teach and inspire you in some way.

Learn on SkillshareAD – Skillshare – Learn new skills and deepen existing passions


Stop feeling like you’re not worthy of the wealth you desire. If you think people with money are better than you, they’re not. They just have a healthy money mindset and know they deserve whatever it is they desire.

If you can’t give yourself permission right now to have your desires, then you’ll never be able to achieve them. Step up and claim what’s rightfully yours. Embody your self-worth.  Fully and completely.

RELATED: Best YouTube Channels That Are Guaranteed to Motivate Self-Improvement

Now that you’re talking the talk and walking the walk, you’re finally ready to start attracting wealth into your life.

Woot! Now let’s manifest some dough!

10 Powerful Techniques to Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance

10 Manifestation Techniques to Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance

There are limitless methods you could use to manifest money. You by no means need to perform all of these rituals, but you may want to give them a try to see what works best for you.

Once you truly believe in the power of manifestation and that you are the operant power that creates your world, then you won’t need to rely on any of these methods. You’ll merely make a mental wish, release it, and watch as it unfolds in your reality.

But if you’re new to intentionally manifesting your desires or still perfecting your God-given magical powers, then these methods may help you hone your skills.

Think of them like manifestation training wheels.

In time you’ll be able to abandon these ‘games,’ but for now, here are just a few ways to start attracting more abundance into your life and improving your money mindset.

PRO MANIFESTOR TIP: Be Sure to Set a Clear Intention
Do you want to manifest an extra $1,000 this month? Enough money to buy a new car, a dream vacation, or to pay off your debt?

The first step is to decide exactly how much money you want to manifest. Don’t just say, ‘I want more money.’

Otherwise, the only thing you may manifest is finding some change on the ground or a rebate check for a few, measly bucks.

If that’s what you want, that’s all fine and dandy. But if you want a specific amount of money, ask for it.

Don’t get me wrong. If you just want to receive some unexpected money and you don’t have a specific goal or purchase in mind, then feel free to go general with your intention.

My only point here is that if you want to manifest money for a specific purpose, be specific in your intention.

Because if you’re not detailed in your intention, then you may end up with an amount that doesn’t match your desire.

Side Note: Sometimes it’s easier to go start small. For instance, right off the bat, you may not want to try to manifest $1,000,000. It may take longer or not happen at all because subconsciously you don’t believe it’s possible. (However, if you truly believe it IS possible, then by all means go for it and manifest away!)

RELATED: Manifestation Not Working? 10 Ways to Boost Your Manifestation Power and Accuracy

1. Visualization

Using your imagination is probably one of the most fun ways to manifest your fortune. And since Neville Goddard’s visualization technique is the most accurate way to manifest anything, I’ll be laying out his formula down below.

So, follow along and get ready to be mind-blown by just how easy it is to intentionally manifest your desires when you use this method.


First, in the present tense, you’ll write down a statement clearly defining the amount of money you’d like to manifest.

If it’s a specific amount of money, write the exact amount down you want to receive. Or if you merely want to be wealthy and manifest a particular lifestyle, define exactly what that lifestyle would entail and what a typical day in that desired lifestyle would be like.

Once you’re clear on exactly what you want to manifest, construct a short imaginal act. Write it down to flesh out the details and include all five senses in your scene.

EXAMPLE SCENE FOR SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF MONEY: Script a scene of you holding the exact amount of cash you’d like to receive, holding a check with your name and the exact amount printed on it you desire, or maybe a bank statement that has on it the large sum you wish to have in your bank account.

EXAMPLE SCENE FOR GENERAL WEALTH: To manifest a more general wealthy lifestyle, create a scene of you enjoying your dream life or maybe relaxing by the pool in your dream home opening all the huge checks you receive to afford your luxurious lifestyle.


Now enter into a meditative state either through meditation or while lying in bed right before you fall asleep.

You’ll know you’re in a proper meditative state when you lose track of all worries, thoughts of the future, attachment to the body, and the outside world.

A deep sense of inner peace and emotional stability will wash over you.


Once you’re in that state, begin to visualize the short scene you constructed, and be sure to imagine your scene in first person.

If you visualize the scene in third person (like you’re watching a movie), you’re desired scene may manifest for someone else.

So, see the cash, check, or bank statement in your hands. Not in someone else’s hands or lying on a table near you. But in your hands.

In your imagination step into the scene you created. Actually feel the paper, see your name on the check or bank statement, and hear the paper crinkle in your hands. You could even hear yourself having a conversation with someone about how amazing it is to have received the money.

Make the scene as natural and as real and as natural as possible.

PRO MANIFESTOR TIP: While imagining, continually cement yourself in the scene by looking down to look at your own hands. This helps to put you in the body of the main character and reminds you to stay in first person.

RELATED: Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Technique: Unlock the Power of Your Imagination


Replay the scene in a loop in your mind and remember to evoke as much emotion as possible. What would it feel like to receive the money you desire? Let that feeling of joy, freedom, or peace wash over you.

Feel as if you’ve already received it. Not the anticipation that it will happen, but the gratitude that it has happened.

🌟Want to Know More? For a more in-depth explanation of Goddard’s visualization technique, be sure to check out Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Technique: Unlock the Power of Your Imagination. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to master the Imaginal Act.

2. Arigato Your Money

‘Arigato Your Money’ (which means appreciating your money) is a nifty little technique I learned from Vishen Lakhiani (the co-founder of Mindvalley).

It’s a great way of incorporating the feeling of gratitude into both the giving and receiving of money.

All you do is mentally say ‘arigato’ — which means ‘thank you’ in Japanese — every time you spend or receive money. Saying ‘thank you’ or something similar will work just as well.

Essentially, what you’re doing is establishing a circular flow that money flows through you with ease (arigato in and arigato out).

You’ll start to notice that the stress and anxiety you have around money fades away and that more money begins to flow to you. Because what you appreciate, appreciates.

In other words, when you’re grateful for the money you have and are happy to give it to another, you’re affirming the belief that you live in an abundant universe and there is always more coming in.

You are also maintaining a high-vibration relationship with money, which attracts more of it to you.

3. Prosperity Game with Magic Checks

This Law of Attraction technique was made popular by Abraham Hicks, and the goal is to raise your vibrational state so that you’re in alignment with receiving and spending large sums of money.

The key here is to use your imagination to emotionally connect to the joy you’d feel if you were receiving and spending it in real life.

All you do is fill out a blank check daily for 30 days, increasing the amount you write the check for each day. Then you visualize and write down everything you’d spend that money on.

You don’t need to worry about where the money came from. Only focus on physically seeing the check with a large sum written out to you and how you’d spend it.

So, on day one you’ll write a check for $1,000. On day two, make it $2,000. Day three $4,000, and so on.

The amount really isn’t important. You can start out with $100 if that’s more comfortable for you. But increase the amount each day to fully experience what it would feel like to receive and spend a large sum of money.

And be sure to be as realistic as possible with your imagined purchases.

This will not only raise your vibration and align you with the frequency of wealth, but you will get a taste of what it’ll feel like when you really do receive that big, fat check!

If you’d like some blank checks to print out and start manifesting your millions😉, I’ve included some in the free Money Affirmations + Magic Checks Printable. Be sure to download your copy and have at it, hoss!

Download Money Affirmations + Magic Checks Printable to Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance

4. I Remember When

Do you have a difficult time visualizing in first person or cementing yourself into your imaginal act? Well, here’s yet another amazing technique from Neville Goddard to the rescue that will guarantee your manifestation success.

By using the words “I remember when…,” you solidify the fact that you are the one that receives your desire, not someone else.

With this method, you’re also creating a memory that puts your current reality in the past. When this memory is impressed upon the subconscious mind, you send a signal to the subconscious that the thing you don’t want is no longer in your reality. And it will go to work to make this true.

Essentially, you’ll embody your future self that already has what you desire and remember back to a time in the past before you achieved that goal or desire.

In other words, you imagine yourself in the future (as if it is actually the present moment happening now) with the money you desire, making the income you want, living the lifestyle you dream of, or whatever is your end goal.

And then, within that imagined scene, you remember a past moment when you struggled to pay the bills, you couldn’t afford that thing you wanted to buy, or when you lived in a smaller home and worked far too much and had far too little (or whatever your current circumstances are).

FOR EXAMPLE: If you’re broke and you want to manifest a large enough income or amount of money to support the lifestyle you’d like to be living, here’s what you’d do.

Get into a meditative state and imagine yourself with the amount of money you desire. Feel what it feels like to be worry-free and enjoying the life your desired income has afforded you. Now, in your scene, say to yourself or to someone else who’s in the scene with you…

“I remember when I used to be broke and struggled to pay my bills. I never knew how I was going to make ends meet. And I was always worried about money. I remember when I felt like I wasn’t enjoying life because I couldn’t experience or buy the things I wanted. I also remember when I lived in a much smaller home and dreamed of having enough money to live the kind of life I’d always dreamed of living.

But now I earn so much money (specify what you have now) and am now living the lifestyle I’ve always dreamed of. Look at the home, car, vacations, etc. that I have now (whatever your future self has). I can always afford anything I want, and I love the freedom my wealth provides me.”

Wash. Rinse. Repeat (as with all imaginal acts).

5. Auto-Inquisition

This is a simple, but powerful way to trick your subconscious into manifesting what you want. So, crack that whip and put that mind of yours to work!

You simply pose a question while in a meditative state and the subconscious seeks new, creative answers to solve the problem.

The subconscious is designed to formulate the quickest solution based on the principle of least effort and follows the path of least resistance. The mind cannot ignore a question, so we can use this to our advantage.

The trick is to formulate a question in a precise way to bypass the conscious mind. And asking questions regarding a desire sets the mind in motion.

We’re forcing the subconscious to search all possibilities until it finds an answer.

For instance, the next time you’re meditating or right before you drift off to sleep, try mentally asking the following questions:

  • I wonder what it would be like if I won the lottery? (or whatever your desire is)
  • What else is possible that I haven’t considered? What opportunities to receive more money am I not seeing?
  • How amazing would it be to receive a large, unexpected amount of money? (replace with your desire)
  • What am I going to do with all this extra money? How will I spend it?

Interesting Fun Fact: Bach, Beethoven, Thomas Edison, and many other musicians and inventors used this technique!

6. Using Crystals

Crystals have amazing healing properties but certain ones can also help us attract money, success, prosperity, and abundance. Each crystal emits a particular frequency of energy and the more you come into contact with them, over time their energy can rub off on you.

In other words, your energy can begin to match theirs.

Wearing them as jewelry, holding them during meditation and visualization, decorating with them, or even carrying a tiny tumbled stone or chip in your wallet can help you tune into the frequency of abundance.

So which crystals have been found to be the most effective for manifesting money, wealth, and prosperity?

Here’s a list of a few that just might help:

BONUS: To learn more about crystals, here are a couple of great books to get you started whether you’re interested in manifesting, healing, or energy protection.

AD – MaeMae – Inspirational Jewelry, Crystals & Healing Stones

7. Affirmations for Money, Wealth + Abundance

Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram the negative, self-sabotaging beliefs lurking in your subconscious. These limiting beliefs keep you from attracting the wealth, success, and abundance you want to manifest.

Your beliefs are like filters for your reality. What you think, you become. So, when your thoughts are in alignment with your desires, you’ll naturally attract them into your life.

“It's not what you want that you attract. You attract what you believe to be true.” - Neville Goddard

Just keep in mind, that in order for affirmations to work you must attach positive emotions to them and repeat them over and over until you believe them.

Saying them robotically a few times a day for a week or two isn’t going to cut it. You need to feel as though you already have your millions (or whatever it is you’re trying to manifest).

And repeat them morning, noon, and night. Try setting up a 10- to 15-minute routine in the morning and evening to practice your affirmations. I’d recommend writing them down, too.

Then sprinkle in a few minutes here or there throughout the day to say them mentally.

Do this for at least 30 days and watch the magic happen!

Here are a few money + wealth affirmations to try:

  • Money flows to me easily, effortlessly, and continuously.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I love myself and I am worthy of being rich.
  • I am always enough just the way I am.
  • Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways now.
  • I have an abundant mindset and know there is more than enough money to go around.
  • I embrace unique opportunities to receive and offers of income now.
  • I release all negative energy regarding finances and money now.
  • I love learning about money.
  • I am able to take charge of my finances.

Here’s a video from my YouTube channel that I created with subliminal affirmations as well as visual high-powered messages to reprogram your mind to attract wealth and abundance. Be sure to check it out to shift your money mindset and start manifesting the abundant life you deserve!

Want More?

🌟 Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel for subliminal, affirmation + meditation videos to raise your vibration, shift your paradigms, and reprogram your mind to succeed!

PRO MANIFESTOR TIP: Another great way to trick the subconscious mind into manifesting what you desire is to use affirmations that follow the ‘I feel so good now’ formula.

If you say you ‘want’ something, you are telling your subconscious that you don’t have it, and it will seek out ways to make sure you keep ‘wanting’ it. Thus, never delivering it.

When you use affirmations that program the mind to think you already have something, it will work hard to make it so.

The subconscious clearly understands familiar emotions such as feeling good, happy, or excited. And by reframing your desires using distinct emotional words or simple ‘feeling states’, you’re giving it clear instructions to produce the desired results now.

Use this format: ‘I feel’ + a positive emotion + ‘now’.

Here are a couple of examples: I feel excited to receive a large sum of unexpected cash now, and I feel so happy to be earning more money now.

Add some of these types of affirmations in with your other daily affirmations, and don’t forget that repetition is the key to success.

Want more affirmations to manifest money, wealth + abundance? Be sure to grab your copy of 44 of the most powerful money affirmations! I’ve even included a few with the ‘I feel so good now’ formula.

Download Money Affirmations + Magic Checks Printable to Manifest Money, Wealth + Abundance

RELATED: 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life

8. Guided Money Manifestation Meditations

Meditation is an extremely powerful tool to manifest money, wealth, abundance, and success.

When you meditate daily and are able to relax into a true meditative state (where you forget about the outer world and lose all track of time and space), you tap into your true creative power.

You bypass the conscious mind and are able to plant the seed of your desire in your subconscious mind. And poof! Your desire will materialize on the screen of space.

Guided meditations are a great option if you’re a beginner or find it difficult to sit in silence. And ones that incorporate affirmations or subliminal messages work wonders if you’re trying to reprogram the subconscious.

Binaural beats (which can promote deep states of relaxation) are another option if you find the sound of someone talking during your meditation distracting and prefer to meditate without any vocals.

RELATED: Meditation Basics For Beginners: Benefits And Ultimate How-To Guide

Below are both some guided meditations and binaural beats videos that you can use to manifest more money and wealth.


If you’d like to purchase an audio CD with meditations using binaural beats, check out this one for success and fulfillment by Marc Allen, master of manifestation and transformation. Hemi-Sync has an amazing collection of meditations that will allow you to reach profound meditative states quickly and easily. Click here to learn more.

Sound Technology for Balanced Living

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Ultimate Meditation Space Guide: How to Create a Sanctuary

9. Journaling

Another effective way to manifest money is the practice of writing in a journal. Not only does the physical act of writing help cement your written words into the subconscious mind, but it also helps you clearly define your desire.

Use the three journaling techniques laid out below to start attracting money into your life now.


Gratitude is a key ingredient in the manifestation process. To manifest money and receive more abundance, you must appreciate what you already have.

Every morning, write down at least 5 things you are grateful for in your life right now.

Then, every evening reflect on your day and show your appreciation by writing down at least 1-2 good things that happened during the day.

RELATED: Improve Your Life and Well-Being With A Gratitude Journal That Actually Works

AD – Promptly Journals


Your goal here is to get lost in your imagination and caught up in becoming the version of you that already has the money, lifestyle, and wealth you desire. So much so that you believe there’s no way it won’t happen.

If you do it daily or on a regular basis, this is another great way to retrain the subconscious.

Write out what an ideal day in the life of the person you’d like to become looks like. In other words, write from the point of view of the version of you already that already has the thing you’re trying to manifest.

So, if you want to manifest a wealthier lifestyle, write about what a typical day would be like for the future version of you. Where would you wake up? What does your house look like? What kind of car would you drive? How would you spend your day? Do you have a job?

Be as detailed as possible and use all five senses. Be sure to include plenty of phrases of gratitude for all the many blessings your future version of you has in their life.

And then, read over your journal entry as much as you like during the day, especially if it makes you feel good.


Journal prompts are a great way to change your mindset and attract more of what you want into your life.

Here are a few to get you started manifesting the money and abundance you desire:

  • What are five words that describe your attitude toward money?
  • How do you define being wealthy?
  • What does it mean to you to have an abundant life?
  • How does your upbringing affect your idea of prosperity?
  • Reflect on your current experiences with money. What lessons do they teach you?
  • Reflect on your past financial decisions. What do they teach you about abundance?
  • What lessons did you learn from past experiences with money?
  • Money can’t buy happiness. Do you agree with this? Why and why not?
  • How are you handling your finances so far?
  • What are four financial achievements that you’re grateful for right now?

Reflect upon your answers and make sure they are in alignment with what you wish to manifest. If not, it may reveal an area or a core belief you need to work on.

If you’re in need of a pretty book to house your thoughts, here are a few options to inspire you and get those creative writing juices flowing. - Answer The CallAD – Gaia – Develop your connection to your spirit from the guidance of renowned spiritual masters and experts

10. Mind Movies

A mind movie is a powerful tool that can help reprogram your subconscious with new desired beliefs.

They’re essentially video vision boards that contain music, affirmations, and images of what it is you wish to manifest. These are great if you feel like you’re not good at visualizing, and they work just like subliminals.

And like anything you’re trying to impress upon the subconscious mind, repetition is the key. So, you can’t just watch them a few times.

Try watching them daily either first thing in the morning, during your meditation, or right before you go to bed for at least 30 days.

Here are a few mind movies that you can use to start manifesting your fortune! But feel free to search YouTube for more. They work just as well for manifesting other desires, too.

Here’s a few more mind movies I’ve used that you might like to try:

🌟WANT MORE? Do you need help manifesting your desire and would like some one-on-one coaching? Or do you have a question about your spiritual journey? Get customized advice based on your specific situation. Click here to shop my products and services.

Live in the End of the Wish Fulfilled

Live in the End of the Wish Fulfilled

Ok, now comes the hard part. Once you’ve had fun imagining your desire and have successfully planted the seed with the manifestation techniques above, it’s time to live in the end.

This is where people get tripped up and undo all the work they’ve done in creating their desire. They stop it before it even starts and never allow it to materialize.

So, what does living in the end of the wish fulfilled actually mean?

Let’s break it down.

First, the feeling of the wish fulfilled means truly feeling like you already have your desire. As though it already exists in your life and the having of it feels as natural to you as breathing.

In other words, you no longer long to manifest money because in your mind you know you already have it.

Now that you have that feeling, you must live in the end and carry that feeling with you throughout your day. You must embody the state of your desire.

Your feelings, thoughts, and actions should always be in alignment with the person you want to become (someone who money comes to easily, a person who’s financially free, a millionaire, or whatever it is you desire to be).

Evoking the emotion of satisfaction, gratitude, freedom, or pure joy while imagining your desire is crucial. But it’s only part of the equation.

If you fully step into your desire within your imagination, but when the imaginal act or manifestation technique is over you’re the same person you were before, you didn’t change a thing. To successfully change your reality, you have to walk away a different person. Something within you has to change. The person in your imagination must merge with the 3-D version of you.

When you wake up every day your thoughts and actions should naturally align to those of the person you want to be — the person that already has the money, wealth, and abundance you desire.

So, if you are still worried about if the money will manifest, obsessed over how everything will fall into place, or negatively reacting to the bridge of incidents, then you are NOT living in the end of the wish fulfilled. You have not stepped into the state of your desire. You’re still dwelling in your old state.

Because from the state where your wish has already been fulfilled, none of those worries would exist. They’d be irrelevant.

You’ll notice that from the state of ‘I already have the money I desire,’ or ‘I am already wealthy and abundant,’ many of the things that seem like obstacles are resolved or fade away.

And when you step into the state of a wealthy person, a millionaire, or just someone that never has to worry about money, your mentality is different. Your psychology is different. That’s why it’s so beneficial to change your mindset about money first. It will make this part of the process easier.

So, simply put…you will need to connect with the version of you that already has the money, wealth, and abundance you wish to manifest.

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What to Do…

Here’s one simple technique I’ve used countless times to fully embody the new version of myself that I’d like to become.

Find someone that you admire that already has what you’d like to manifest and mimic their behaviors. In this case, someone who is already rich. (Remember those 7 wealthy habits we talked about earlier? Those are a great place to start. But they only scratch the surface.)

So, you need to dig a little deeper.

Study those around you that have more money than you, have a healthy money mindset, or people that life just always seems to work out for. What are their habits? Their philosophies? Even their smallest habits could provide huge insights on how to truly embody your desired state.

And there you have it, folks. A perfectly laid out plan to manifest money and all the riches you desire. But how you use it is up to you.

Just remember that anything you can imagine is absolutely possible!

Well, I truly hope you found this article helpful. And I wish you all the luck in the world!

If you have any lingering questions or would like to share any manifestations techniques that have worked for you, I’d love to hear about them! Be sure to leave a comment below or shoot me an email me.

Sending you so much love!

Love, Liz
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