3 Reasons to Forgive
Law of Attraction,  Mindfulness,  Personal Growth,  Spirituality

3 Reasons You Should Forgive Someone Today: Free Yourself

Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

-Maya Angelou

Throughout time, many great minds have sung the praises of forgiveness. We’ve all been told it’s the right thing to do and that it’s good for us. But why? Why is it good for us and what are the actual benefits of forgiveness?

In this post, I’ll shine a light on the personal rewards of forgiveness and provide you with a few reasons why you should forgive someone in your life. I’ll show you how forgiveness can improve your life, and lead to more peace and happiness.

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Forgiveness and the Law of Attraction

1. Law of Attraction

When you withhold forgiveness and allow the hurt to fester, you’re telling the universe that you want more of that in your life. You’re creating more of exactly what you don’t want.

You are invoking the Law of Attraction. The law that states what you focus on becomes manifest in your world. Essentially, you are creating an angry world for yourself with every negative thought.

Everything is energy. So, when you keep retelling or reliving a painful story, you’re giving it energy. And when you give something energy, it will persist. You are attracting more pain to you like a magnet.

When you refuse to forgive, you remain stuck in a cycle of shame, guilt, grief, anger, and fear. These lower emotions just attract more of the same. You want peace and happiness in your life, but you’re attracting more pain and drama.

So, cut it out! (I say this with love. I promise.)

If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction or how to attract more happiness into your life, check the related post below.

RELATED POST: 5 Ways to Manifest Your Best Life and Become a Better Happier Version of You

Forgiveness Heals Your Karma

2. Forgiveness Heals Your Karma

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not (and I do, wink, wink), you should release as much karma in this lifetime as you can. We accumulate karma in every lifetime. And one such way we do this is by holding onto hate or vengeance. So, release that icky sticky stuff now.

Karma is the sum of all your words, actions, and deeds. You are creating karma right now, in this life. With every choice you make, you are sealing your fate to either relive an endless loop of painful events or free yourself from the lesson you need to learn.

You’re stuck in a karmic hamster wheel. The faces and names of the players may change, but the lesson you keep repeating remains the same.

Because when you’re strongly attached to something, positively or negatively, you become karmically bound to it. In other words, it will continue showing up in your life – this one and the next.

Forgiveness heals and releases you from karmic attachments and living the same lessons over and over.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be stuck with someone I can’t stand for all of eternity. I also don’t want to keep repeating the past in an endless loop until I’ve learned my lesson.

I’d like to pass the test the first time and move on. Thank you very much.

RELATED: The Truth About Karma and How to Break Free

Forgiveness Benefits Your Health

3. Forgiveness Benefits Your Health

When you hold onto anger and other negative emotions you are only hurting yourself, literally. These trapped emotions can physically attack your body. And if you hold onto the pain long enough, it can have an extremely harmful impact on both your mental and physical health.

Every time you think about a painful event from your past that remains unhealed, you bring it to life and are reliving it in the present moment.

Even though this event happened a long time ago, you are sending a signal to your physical body that the trauma is still happening to you. And so, you’re causing your body to feel that pain over and over again.

Your body can’t tell the difference between the real event and the pain you’re feeling when you relive it in your mind. The pain is still real and being felt by your body.

And over time, the pain can get trapped and attach itself to your body manifesting as physical symptoms and diseases, from minor aches and allergies to more serious illnesses like cancer (and everything in between).

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, a doctor and scientist who focuses on neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics, the hormones of stress down-regulate genes to create disease.

He explains that every time you think about these people or experiences that cause you to feel strong painful emotions, you put your body in stress mode. And living by the hormones of stress for an extended period of time causes disease.

In other words, don’t let it eat away at you. Release the pain with forgiveness. It’s the only way to heal yourself – emotionally and physically.

RELATED POST: How to Forgive: Your Guide to Freedom

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