100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations That Will Change Your Life | Liz in Lotus
Inspiration,  Law of Attraction,  Mindfulness,  Personal Growth

100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life


This applies to every aspect of your life. If you want anything — riches, love, happiness, etc. — you have to be it first and then it appears in your outer world. Not the other way around. So, how do you do that? With affirmations, my friend!

Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram the negative, self-sabotaging beliefs keeping you from all that you desire (and deserve) in this world.

When your thoughts are in alignment with your desires, you will naturally attract these things into your life. Because your beliefs are like filters for your reality. What you think, you become.

Affirmations ultimately allow you to replace what you currently believe to be true with new beliefs that anything is possible. Because ANYTHING truly is possible!

The life you’ve led up to this point has manifested as a result of how you see the world, your thoughts, your actions, and ultimately your programming.

And if you’re reading this article, I’m assuming you’re looking for a way to improve your current circumstances in some way.

In this post, I’ll explain how affirmations can be used to reprogram your subconscious, the most powerful and effective way to use them, and I’ll provide you with a list of 100 affirmations to transform different areas of your life.

Plus, I’ve included a printable list of the affirmations for you to save and share, and affirmation videos to help you retrain your brain!

Now, let’s get to it so you can start unleashing the power of these magical little statements.

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Table of Contents

  1. Affirmations Reprogram Your Mind
  2. How to Use Affirmations Successfully
  3. 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations
  4. Bonus: Affirmation Videos
  5. Affirmations Printable
Affirmations | Reprogram the Subconscious Mind

Affirmations Reprogram Your Mind

If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self.

– Dr. Joe Dispenza

So, if you want to change your life, you’re going to have to change your personality. Your personality is a culmination of all the programming you’ve collected over the course of your entire life which affects your thoughts and actions.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a best-selling author, and world-renowned personal growth and wellness expert, details in his book Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself how your personality creates your personal reality.

In other words, how you think, how you act, and how you feel creates the reality of your life.

In the clip below, Dr. Joe Dispenza explains the science behind rewiring your brain and reconditioning your body to make profound changes in your life.

Hopefully, this video will squash any doubt you may have about the power of changing your mindset and provide you with the motivation you need to start using affirmations today to change your life!

Clarity Coaching – Transforming Lives
For more videos like this, click the links below:

Dr. Joe Dispenza
Reprogramming the Subconscious

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Inspirational Quote by Wayne Dyer | Liz in Lotus

How To Use Affirmations Successfully

A key component to making affirmations work for you lies in the repetition of saying, hearing or writing them. Choose an area of your life that you want to focus on, pick a handful of affirmations from one of the lists below, and repeat them throughout the day. And write them down.

The act of physically writing something by hand forces your brain to mentally engage with the information on a level that further impresses the new thought patterns into the mind.

When you first wake up in the morning and right before bed are the most ideal times. This way, you will start your day with a positive outlook and fall asleep on a positive note. And over time, these thoughts will become your reality.

Lastly, you must truly believe the thing you want or the person you want to become is already a reality. Feel as if it has already happened and then feel the gratitude for having received it. You don’t want to act as if you WISH you had it. You want to act as if you have it right NOW.

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100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations


  • Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
  • I am a money magnet and prosperity flows to and through me.
  • I am worthy of endlessly increasing my income.
  • I love myself and I am worthy of being rich.
  • Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  • I release negativity regarding money and welcome an abundant mindset.
  • I embrace unique opportunities to receive and offers of income.
  • I release all negative financial energy.
  • I always attract opportunities that create more money in my life.
  • I am open to receive all the wealth life has to offer me.
  • My actions create constant prosperity.
  • Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.
  • I do amazing things with my wealth that enrich my life.
  • I use my wealth to improve the lives of those around me.
  • I love money and money loves me.
  • Everything I touch turns to gold.
  • I am the master of my abundance.
  • I am perfectly aligned with the energy of abundance.
  • I attract opportunities that manifest more money.
  • My finances increase continuously beyond my wildest dreams.
  • Money brings me and those around me joy and comfort.
  • I am an expert at managing large sums of money.
  • I handle extreme success with grace.
  • Wealth and luck follow me everywhere I go.
  • I grow richer and richer every single day.
  • I enjoy sharing my wealth and resources with others.
  • Wealth pours into my life and it feels amazing.
  • It feels natural to be wealthy and live a life of luxury.
  • I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.
  • Today I attract wealth, abundance, and well-being.
  • I create an avalanche of financial abundance.
  • I love making and receiving money. It is so much fun to receive.


  • I am full of positive, loving energy.
  • I welcome love and romance into my life.
  • All my relationships are loving and supportive.
  • I deserve love and I receive it in abundance.
  • I am loved, loving, and lovable.
  • I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.
  • I give love in abundance and receive it multiplied many times over.
  • My heart is always open and I radiate love.
  • I am ready for love and deserving of love.
  • I attract only positive, loving partners that fill my heart with joy.
  • I see everything with loving eyes and I love everything I see.
  • Everything I do aligns with the vibration of love.
  • I am always surrounded by love.
  • Everywhere I go, I find love. Life is love.
  • I attract love and romance into my life every day with ease.
  • I express gratitude for how loved I am and how much people care about me.
  • Love is attracted to me and I am attracted to love.
  • My inner peace, love, and beauty naturally radiate outwards.
  • I am endlessly grateful for the abundance of love in my life.
  • I am confident, self-assured, and full of charisma.
  • I develop chemistry with ease with those that I am attracted to.
  • The people that I love always love me.
  • The more I desire someone the more they become attracted to me.
  • I trust the universe to find me my perfect match.
  • I am grateful for my soulmate, the life we share, and the way they love me unconditionally.


  • I believe I can be anything I want to be.
  • I forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made and appreciate what I’ve learned.
  • I am powerful, confident and worthy of success.
  • I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.
  • I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.
  • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
  • I am enough.
  • I am absolutely beautiful, strong beyond measure and live life to the fullest.
  • I accept who I am and I love myself unconditionally.
  • I am worthy of happiness and all of my dreams.
  • I am in alignment with my desires and know they are manifesting now.
  • I am grateful for all of my many wonderful blessings.
  • I am proud of my accomplishments and everything I have overcome.
  • I am intelligent, capable, and important.
  • I am infinite and I am love in human form.
  • I am fearless, brave, and unstoppable.
  • Good things are always happening to me, and life is always working out for me.
  • I am deeply fulfilled by and in love with my life.
  • I am open to solutions/support and receive them every day easily, effortlessly.
  • I am fun, kind, and magnetic. People are drawn to me and my light that shines within.
  • I am optimistic and know how beautiful and miraculous life is. I love life.
  • I am an amazing person with so many wonderful things to offer others and this world.
  • I am unique and beautifully made. I love being me.


  • Every day I am getting healthier and stronger.
  • I honor my body by trusting the signals that it sends me.
  • I make smart, healthy choices that manifest perfect health.
  • I am grateful to be alive.
  • I love life and find joy and pleasure in each and every wonderful day.
  • Happiness is my birthright. I choose to be and deserve to be happy.
  • Being happy comes easily to me.
  • Healthy, vibrant energy flows through my body naturally.
  • I easily attract good and positive energy to mind, body, and soul
  • I deserve to be healthy and feel amazing.
  • I am full of energy and vitality and feel younger and younger every day.
  • My mind is calm and peaceful.
  • I am present in every moment.
  • I am grateful to be alive and for this day.
  • I always have time to slow down and am patient.
  • I am worthy of everything great in my life.
  • I love and am grateful for my body because it is strong and beautiful.
  • The universe helps me achieve beautiful levels of health and wellness.
  • I choose to release all negative energy blocks within my body.
  • I enjoy existing in a natural state of well-being.

Need even more amazing affirmations to uplift and motivate you throughout the day? Create a beautiful day with Zanna Keithley’s incredibly inspiring blog posts, 35 Epic Morning Affirmations, 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day, and 35 Empowering Affirmations for Self Belief.

Zanna encourages and empowers others to follow their passions. And she is absolutely hands-down one of the most talented and inspiring writers I know. I love this girl! So, be sure to check her out at zannakeithley.com.

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Bonus: Affirmation Videos

Ok, so you’ve repeated the affirmations above throughout the day and maybe even taken the time to write them down. But if you’re really serious about rewiring the subconscious, here’s a third method to imprint them upon the mind and overwrite old limiting beliefs.

Pop on some headphones and listen to this soothing, 8-hour video chock full of affirmations as you drift off to sleep.

Positive Affirmations – Law of Attraction Boost (432Hz) by Live the Life You Love

Or watch this amazing video from Marisa Peer, a well-known hypnotherapist, about the power of words and how important the language of the mind is to our well-being.

This video is an hour-long. So, either bookmark it to watch later or grab some popcorn and settle in. After watching this powerful video, I can guarantee you will watch the words you use!

Reprogram Your Mind NOW Through Affirmations by Marisa Peer

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Go Beyond Affirmations

Affirmations are a great place to start reprogramming your subconscious mind. But once you’ve infused these empowering statements into your daily mental chatter and begin to witness the amazing results that will ensue, it’s time to take things to the next level.

When you use affirmations in combination with gratitude, a meditation practice, and visualization techniques, you’ll further cement these new beliefs into the mind so you can manifest positive change in your life.

Say goodbye to the old you. Hello to the new and improved you!

Do you have any affirmations that you use and would like to share? What methods or techniques do you use to manifest change in your life? Share them in the comments below!

And if you have any questions about affirmations or need additional help in using them, feel free to ask questions in the comments or contact me on Instagram, Facebook, or through the contact form.

And as promised, here is a printable version of all the affirmations listed above. Feel free to save and share them!

100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations Printable | Liz in Lotus
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