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How to Open the Heart Chakra and Unlock Your Desires


It’s time to crack open the heart chakra and let love in!

Because the secret to transforming every aspect of your life from friendships to love to money and even your spiritual journey lies within your beautifully radiant fourth energy center.

The heart space is where it’s at, my friend. It’s true that we must work on balancing all of our chakras. But I believe we’re here on this planet to focus on opening our heart, first and foremost. Because that’s the space from which we radiate the essence of our true being—LOVE.

We are pure, infinite, unconditional LOVE.

We may have forgotten who we are or how to connect to it. But it has never left us. We’ve just covered it up by building massive barbed-wire barriers around our hearts—the one space that connects us to the truth of who we are.

When you focus on the heart chakra and chip away at the walls you’ve built around it to protect yourself, true transformation and change will begin to unfold in your life.

Because we came here to expand our hearts, not lock them away. That’s the secret that’s so plainly obvious, but yet is hidden underneath all of the layers of pain we’ve collected over years (in some cases, even decades).

Unblocking your heart space is the key to everything…

Living a peaceful and joyous life, manifesting your desires, improving your relationships, finding romance, attracting the people you want to surround yourself with in this life, improving your health, releasing your karma, progressing along your spiritual journey, understanding the universe…it all leads back to LOVE (which is at the center of your heart space).

The heart chakra, your fourth energy center, is literally the bridge that connects the lower three chakras of matter to the upper three chakras of spirit. It rests right in the middle—the center of your being. And to transcend the lower chakras, you must open and activate the gateway to the higher ones.

True change will never take place in your life until you unlock your true nature. The love you were meant to radiate and reside in.

And though there are endless causes as to why you may have a blocked or unbalanced heart space, hopefully this guide will help you begin your own unique process of healing it.

So, let’s get started.

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Table of Contents

  1. What Is a Chakra
  2. The Heart Chakra At a Glance
  3. Signs Your Heart Chakra May Be Blocked
  4. How to Open and Heal Your Heart Chakra – 20 Ways to Activate Your Heart Space
  5. Heart Chakra Healing Affirmations Downloadable PDF
  6. Powerful Subliminal Affirmations Videos to Manifest Love into Your Life!
  7. How to Know You’ve Successfully Opened the Heart Chakra - Now, The Practice of Yoga BeginsAD – Gaia – Consciousness-expanding films, original shows, yoga videos & meditation classes

What Is a Chakra?

Have you ever stopped to wonder where the soul meets the body? According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, our chakra system is where the physical and the spiritual connect. These swirling wheels of energy align along the spine, from the base to the crown of your head.

There are three chakras located in the lower body and three in the upper body. Connecting them all is the heart chakra located in the center of the chest.

When all your chakras are in alignment, prana (our vital life force that keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive) flows through these centers freely and all of these systems work in harmony.

But when one becomes blocked, it can cut off the energy flow to the other chakras.

Our heart chakra, also referred to as Anahata meaning ‘unhurt’ or ‘unstruck’ in Sanskrit, controls the love energy in the body. When Anahata energy is blocked, it can have a negative impact on our physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

In our physical body, the heart, lungs, immune system, and upper extremities are all influenced greatly by Anahata energy.

Emotionally, a blocked fourth chakra can cause a feeling of disconnect, a lack of empathy, and an inability to trust oneself or others. Deep insecurity and fears are also common. If left unchecked, these can grow into manipulative behaviors.

On a spiritual level, if your heart chakra becomes blocked, you are restricting the flow of prana to the upper chakras making it difficult to develop and attune these higher chakras. Thus, limiting your spiritual growth, manifestation powers, and the development of your psychic (or spiritual) gifts.

Ultimately, it prevents you from connecting to the infinite intelligence that created the universe.

Want more? To learn more about all seven chakras, how to balance them, and for tons of other resources like guided meditations, read my beginner’s guide to chakras article here. In the article, I’ve also included a quick reference chakra guide you can download for free.

And if a more in-depth look at the chakras and how to emotionally balance each of our seven energy centers, be sure to check out my series of posts Chakras According to The Law of One: Overview of the Seven Energy Centers.

And if you’re interested in adding a couple of chakra books to your collection, the books below are incredible resources for healing, balancing, and unblocking your energy centers.

In Chakras & Self-Care, you’ll find meditative exercises that activate and balance each of your seven main chakras. This comprehensive guide includes affirmations, visualizations, essential oil blend recipes, rituals and so much more.

And The Ultimate Guide to Chakras is a great book for beginners. But with all the amazing information packed into this powerful guide, it’s a must-read for ALL levels. You’ll learn everything there is to know about the chakra system. It also walks you through how and why different crystals, essential oils, and sacred plants help to support each chakra.

RELATED: Chakras According to The Law of One: Overview of the Seven Energy Centers

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The Heart Chakra at a Glance

Name in Sanskrit: Anahata meaning unhurt or unstruck
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Element: Air
As such, its energy is associated with the breath and its movements, as well as the idea of spaciousness and connection with all things.
Sound: Yam
This seed syllable (or “mantra”) represents the air or wind element and is connected to the control over the air and the breath.
Signs of balance: The ability to openly give and receive love
Signs of imbalance: The inability to love yourself and others, hatred, depression, grief, selfishness, and jealousy

RELATED: Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Root Chakra

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Signs Your Heart Chakra May Be Blocked

Those with an open, well-balanced heart chakra are full of love, forgiveness, and compassion. But when you experience things like abuse, traumatic events, bad memories, or old programming, your heart chakra can become blocked.

So, if you find yourself suffering from negativity about yourself and/or others, you may need to open your heart space.

Here are a few ways to tell if your heart chakra is blocked:

1. Low self-worth, loneliness
2. Feelings of anger, hatred, and jealously
3. Dwelling on a past relationship
4. Fear of commitment
5. Trust issues
6. Holding onto grudges
7. Abandonment issues or past trauma
8. Selfishness and lack of empathy
9. Suffer from anxiety, stress, or depression
10. Shyness
11. You bottle up your emotions, or you feel disconnected from them
12. Difficulty opening up to others or putting yourself out there
13. Push others away
14. Always put yourself last and can’t stop focusing on others

Now that you know what signs to look for, let’s dive into how you can begin to heal a wounded heart chakra.

🌟 WANT MORE? To discover if you may have imbalances within your Heart Chakra (or any of your energy centers), be sure to download the Chakra Healing Pre-Assessment Checklists + Affirmations Kit. I’ve included over 140 of the Most Powerful Healing Affirmations, plus a bonus Cheat Sheet for the entire system to help you balance and heal your seven chakras.

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Click here to visit my Shop page and select the coaching option that best suits your needs.

How to Open and Heal Your Heart Chakra

It’s so important to learn how to unblock your chakrasyour heart chakra especially since we’re here to learn the lessons of love and compassion.

And there are so many ways to open your heart and tap into the feeling of love. These are just some of the ways you may choose to heal and connect with that space.

At first, you may want to try the methods that resonate with you the most. But if you really want to expand your heart space, you may have to step out of your comfort zone in order to push past what is blocking you.

1. Everyone is You Pushed Out

Everyone is you pushed out, so see the world as such. When you fall in love with someone, all illusions of separation disappear. You feel so deeply connected to that other person that you feel as though you are the same being.

You are blind to all the differences that separate you and only see those that you have in common. You literally feel as though you are ONE. The love you feel for that person allows you to see the Truth.

Well, everyone on this planet is ONE. You just haven’t fallen in love with your neighbor, boss, the guy who bagged your groceries, or the couple sitting in the restaurant next to you. Somehow, we believe our spouse, partner, children, and other loved ones are more ‘special’…but they’re not.

You only believe that because you’ve put up far less barriers between you and them. You feel there are more similarities between your loved ones and yourself, so you feel ‘love’ (a warm, tingly feeling) towards them.

But in reality, there is no more separation between you and a stranger. You only believe there is.

Seek out the similarities rather than the differences. Try to see yourself in all other beings. Are you really all that different? No.

So, the next time you encounter a stranger, find something…anything…that you might have in common. Even if it’s just the fact that you’re both of the same gender. And then send them love.

To learn more about this concept, be sure to check out Everyone is You Pushed Out Explained: How to Change Your World.

2. Practice Compassion

Life should always be a ‘non-judgment zone’. Develop the art of compassion. And it really is an art. It takes practice and discipline. But we must allow others (and ourselves) to be as we are. To be free to be ourselves and to make mistakes.

Cut out the gossip, rude commentary, and quit tearing each other down. Because everyone is you pushed out, remember? So, stop putting up barriers between yourself and others.

You have to start putting yourself in other people’s shoes and take yourself off the pedestal. We all make mistakes, and you’re no different.

If you’re judging someone for their differences or the mistakes they’ve made, it’s because that thing you think divides you is actually alive within you. Why else would it be triggering you?

Instead of judging the other person, try looking within and healing that aspect of yourself that’s being triggered. In terms of making a mistake, you’ve probably made the same one, or a similar one, in the past. Or maybe you have a deep-rooted fear of making it in the future. And when it comes to our differences, just because you don’t agree or understand someone else’s choice doesn’t make it wrong.

We’re not meant to be exactly the same. We should celebrate our differences, not use them to categorize and separate ourselves.

So, look within and heal yourself rather than projecting your pain and anger onto others. And remember to be gentle with others (and with yourself). The way you are when a child acts up. Because we’re all just children in grown-up suits learning life lessons as we go.

3. Perform a Random Act of Kindness

Sometimes we can be self-absorbed and caught up in our own drama. To really open the heart, make it a habit of peeking outside of your bubble and noticing the needs of others.

Connect with someone through an act of kindness (with no strings attached). This could be as small as opening a door for someone, paying for a stranger’s cup of coffee, giving someone a compliment, or even just smiling at someone.

Or choose to help someone out in a bigger way. Bake your neighbor a cake (for no reason), or spend an entire day in service to a project that is close to someone else’s heart.

When we selflessly give to others, we experience true joy. And this leads us to experience deeper levels of empathy on a regular basis. Giving also allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, which is a particularly good antidote for feelings of loneliness. 

4. Gratitude

We take so much for granted. To simply acknowledge all the blessings you have in your life, is a great way to heal and balance your heart. Take a few minutes each day to say thank you (either mentally or write it down in a journal) for all the things you love about your life.

And don’t forget to thank others for all the amazing things that they do for you, no matter how big or small. Make it a habit to recognize the love others offer you and thank them for it.

For more tips on how to cultivate the practice of gratitude, be sure to read my article Improve Your Life and Well-Being With A Gratitude Journal That Actually Works.

5. Spend Time in Nature

Go for a hike. Enjoy a sunset. Relax on the beach. Or sit on a bench in the park. Just get some fresh air and feel the earth under your feet.

Observe the stillness. Feel the energy. And witness the beauty of Mother nature. Allow yourself to be awestruck, and fall in love with nature all over again. The way you did when you were a child. This is one surefire way to experience sweet, simple, almost effortless love.

6. Forgiveness

Whether you’re forgiving yourself or someone else, letting go is an incredible heart-opening exercise. Holding onto grudges and past hurts weigh us down on a daily basis. It also eats away at our energy, making it more difficult for us to love ourselves and others freely.

When you let go, you free yourself from the chains binding you to the past. It also releases those painful memories and allows you to love again. You may even find that forgiveness allows the other person the room they may need to change for the better.

If you’re having trouble letting go, try practicing Ho’oponopono—a powerful Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness. Picture the person that you’re having a hard time forgiving in your mind’s eye, and simply repeat, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” And that’s it.

Here’s a guided meditation for the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian healing technique, if you’d like to give it a try.

For more information on how to forgive someone, even when it seems impossible, be sure to check out How to Forgive in 3 Easy Steps: Your Guide to Freedom.

And to learn why forgiveness is such a gift and how it can benefit your life, read my other article on the topic here. It’s like the sidekick to the article above. Be sure to check them both out to truly set yourself free.

7. Feel Your Feelings

Our society has developed countless strategies, practices, and products to help us avoid our feelings. From childhood, we’re told not to cry, to bottle up or stuff down our emotions, and to distract ourselves when our feelings are inconvenient for others.

Ignoring your feelings might get you through a stressful day at the office or out of the grocery store without making a scene. But you do have to deal with them at some point.

And in order for them to pass, they must be feltOtherwise, they remain stuck in the body and will fester until they materialize either as an unwanted physical or emotional manifestation.

Cry it out. Shake it off. Laugh about it. Scream your head off. Or sing at the top of your lungs. Whatever it takes. Just find a safe space, and give yourself permission to experience and express your feelings authentically.

Here’s an Amazing Heart-Opening Exercise to Try: Acknowledge whatever the emotion is that you’re feeling. Allow it to arise. Notice where it is in the body and observe it. Maybe even try placing your hands over that part of your body and send it love. Imagine a white light embracing that area of the body and healing it. Then release it and let it go.

Bye, bye negative emotion!

8. Healing Stones and Crystals

Each chakra has its own frequency and corresponding color. The heart chakra vibrates in the colors of green and pink. And healing stones have their own energy frequencies as well. So, wearing them as jewelry, holding them during meditation, or even carrying them around can help you tune into the frequency of the heart chakra.

Rose quartz is most popularly associated with the heart chakra. It’s known for its ability to attract positive, loving relationships and improve existing ones that may be strained. And it promotes compassion, peace, and tenderness.

Some other amazing healing stones and crystals that can aid in opening the heart chakra and attracting the energy of love include jade, green calcite, green tourmaline, or green aventurine.

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9. Essential Oils and Incense

Aromatherapy helps to manifest the healing of the Anahata and awakens the capacity to love. To open the heart chakra, try burning essential oils, candles, or incense with scents of rose, lavender, ylang ylang, sandalwood, orange, and jasmine.

10. Diet

The foods you eat (as well as anything else you put into your body) actually can have a huge impact on your energy centers. So, choose high vibrational, fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. And more specifically, to heal an unbalanced heart chakra, eat foods that resonate with it.

Be sure to incorporate lots of green goodies into your diet. Here are just a few healthy ones to try: kiwi, spinach, kale, green apples, pears, chard, lettuce, broccoli, peas, avocados, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, grapes, and celery. Literally, munch on anything green that comes from the earth.

Herbs are another way to open and clear the heart chakra. The best way to take herbs is to either drink them as tea or take them as a supplement. Some great ones to try are rose, astragalus, holy basil, hawthorn, nettle, hops, and angelica.

🌈✨And if you’re interested in learning more about which foods to incorporate into your diet to balance + nourish the Heart Chakra (as well as your other energy centers), be sure to check out my Chakra Recipes eBook. It provides tons of vital information about how the foods we eat can heal our chakras. Plus, you’ll get over 35 healing recipes for meals, snacks, and smoothies that will energize your body, balance your mind, and make you … well, a happier you!🥬🥕🥦

11. Affirmations

Positive affirmations set intentions toward healing by breaking old patterns and directing behaviors in a new direction. To open the heart chakra, try repeating affirmations related to love and healing such as “I am open to receiving love”, “I forgive myself and others”, “It is safe for me to love and be loved”, “I love myself and all living beings”, or “I have an open heart.”

Over time, repeating these affirmations will invite more love and compassion into your life.

Heart Chakra Healing Affirmations-Download FREE Printable

Learn how to use affirmations in the most powerful way so they actually work!
RELATED: 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life

AD – Mae Mae Jewelry – Inspirational Jewelry, Crystals & More

12. Mantras

Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or phrases that you can repeat during meditation to help maintain your focus. They’re similar to a prayer and using mantras associated with love can help balance your heart chakra.

You can use the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” to align your energy with love or repeat the sound associated with the heart chakra — ‘Yam.’ These can be spoken or repeated mentally.

13. Breathwork

The fourth chakra element is air and its energy is associated with the breath and its movement. Not only making breathwork the gateway to opening your heart chakra, but it can literally heal our hearts.

Breathwork allows our bodies to produce happy neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Practicing pranayama techniques such as alternate nostril breathing can be beneficial. Or simply become aware of your breathing and slow it down organically.

Breathing properly is vital to our health. Be sure you’re taking deep breaths from the diaphragm rather than shallow breaths from the chest. The deeper our breath is, the more oxygen we introduce to our cells. The more oxygen our body has, the better our metabolism functions, and the more relaxed we feel.

If you suffer from heart chakra issues such as social anxiety, deep breathing is a powerful practice.

Here are a Few Guided Breathwork Exercises and Meditations:

Want More? For more resources on breathwork and pranayama techniques, click here. You’ll find tons of articles and videos to help get you started.

Be sure to follow me on Pinterest to get all the latest updates. I’m always adding new pins!👈📌💜 There's More To You Than You ThinkAD – Gaia – Consciousness-expanding films, original shows, yoga videos & meditation classes

14. Meditation

Meditation not only quiets your mind but also expands your capacity for love and compassion. Here is one I’ve personally used that can benefit you in opening and connecting with your heart space:

Get into a comfortable position, either in a chair or on the floor. And feel free to listen to some relaxing meditation music if you like.

Now focus on your breath until you feel yourself enter a meditative state.

After a few moments, bring your awareness to the space that surrounds your heart. Imagine you’re breathing in a large emerald light into your heart space. Imagine the warmth that it brings. As you breathe, allow this light and warmth to grow. Allow it to fill up your entire body.

Pause for a moment.

Now imagine someone, or several people, whom you love. Bring their faces very clearly into your mind’s eye. Allow love to radiate from your heart space out and into these people.

Pause for a moment.

Now begin to imagine people you may have a tough relationship with or need to forgive. Allow love to radiate from your heart space out and into these people.

Pause for a moment.

With every breath, imagine the emerald light expanding further. First, beyond your body. Then, beyond the room you’re in. And finally, expand it across the entire world. Imagine this love light embracing every human on the planet.

Pause for a moment.

Now using all of this love, compassion, and openness cultivated here in this space, begin to wrap yourself up in this unconditional love. And sit with that feeling for as long as you can.

And Here are a Few Guided Meditations:

BONUS: Using sage, palo santo, crystals, and other sensory tools will not only help to balance your heart chakra but will enhance your meditation experience as well. Here’s a beautiful Heart Chakra Kit that includes floral and rosemary white sage, palo santo (“holy wood”), rose quartz, rhodonite, and white onyx. This kit is the perfect remedy to open and heal the heart chakra.

RELATED: Ultimate Meditation Space Guide: How to Create a Sanctuary

15. Practice Heart-Opening Yoga Poses

Practicing yoga and physically opening your heart space is a tremendous way to activate the Anahata chakra. Upward facing dog, camel, cobra, cat, fish, and bridge pose are just a few poses that drive the chest toward the sky and open the heart.

And if you’re interested in learning more about yoga, here’s an amazing book that offers everything you need to deepen your yoga practice and discover a meaningful way of life.

The Yoga Mind is your complete resource for bringing yoga philosophy off the mat and into your life. Because yoga goes far beyond just stretching, breathing, and twisting your body into a knot. It is an ancient spiritual philosophy.

For more yoga resources, tools, and goodies from amazing yoga YouTube channels to begin your at-home practice to my favorite yoga essentials and activewear, be sure to check out Best Self Care Gifts Every Spiritual Junkie Is Sure To Love and my Favorites page.

Begin a yoga practice at home with these essential poses and free printable guide.
RELATED: 11 Easy Yoga Poses for Beginners: Best Asanas To Start Your Practice Now

16. Spend Time with Children and Furry Friends

Children and animals are full of innocence and unconditional love. Even those that have been hurt by others seem to exude an incredible amount of resilience.

So, make time to play with your child (or a young niece, nephew, or hang out with your friends’ children). Get on the floor and experience the world from their perspective. Giggle with them, explore with them, and let the embrace of their tiny arms warm your heart.

And don’t forget to snuggle with your pet, feel their energy, and tap into your inner beast. Or at least let go of all your human thoughts and worries for a while.

17. Hug More…and Hug Big!

We’re all social creatures and need loving physical contact. So, reach out and hug someone!

Don’t shy away from giving your loved ones a big bear hug the next time you see them. Touch them! They don’t have cooties! (And if they do, so what. When faced with the alternative, I’d take cooties over a blocked heart chakra any day!)

Plus, hugging releases oxytocin which is a chemical that calms down the entire body and is a natural antidepressant. And it makes us feel closer to one another. All great reasons to embrace those we care about!

And hey, if you don’t have anyone to hug, try hugging yourself as an expression of self-love. It couldn’t hurt!

18. Sound Healing

Nikola Tesla Quote | Energy Centers and Chakras

Solfeggio frequencies
Listening to the sacred sounds of Solfeggio frequencies, a six-tone set of musical tones that date back to ancient times, is an amazing way to heal and harmonize your mind, body, and spirit.

   341.3 Hz is the heart chakra frequency and will bring balance to the heart chakra.

    528 Hz is known as the “love” frequency. It will help recalibrate your DNA structure and open your heart chakra to unconditional love.

    639 Hz is the “relationship” frequency. It enhances communication, understanding, tolerance, and love allowing you to build deep, meaningful, and harmonious relationships with others.

Tibetan Singing Bowls
Listening to the soothing sounds of Tibetan Singing Bowls is another great option to heal and harmonize the mind, body, and soul. Listening to a recording of Tibetan Singing Bowls with the appropriate pitched tones will heal and open your heart chakra.

Here’s a recording from Meditative Mind to get you started.

Want More? For more resources on sound healing, check out my Pinterest board here. It’s full of videos with the healing sounds of Solfeggio frequencies, Tibetan Singing Bowl tones, and so much more.

And be sure to follow to get all the latest updates and tons of great content. I’m always adding new pins!👈📌💜

19. Reiki Energy Healing

Energy work is a powerful way to open the heart chakra. It can help release old energy blockages that lead to unhealthy habits and thought patterns.

In many cases, we carry around energetic baggage that we don’t even realize is affecting us. Cleansing and balancing the heart chakra can help tremendously by improving energy flow throughout the entire mind, body, and spirit.

20. Self-Love

To truly open your heart chakra, loving others is not enough. You must love yourself, too. And until we develop a healthy sense of self-worth, we will never be capable of sharing or receiving unconditional love.

So, fall in love with yourself and treat yourself the way you wish to be treated by others. Make a list of all the things you love about your body, your mind, or your personality.

Then, treat yourself to a massage full of healing touch or buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers. Make loving yourself part of your regular routine.

You ARE worthy of love. It’s time you start to believe that.

Learn the benefits of cultivating self-love and 7 powerful ways to practice it.
RELATED: How to Love Yourself: Self-Love is Your Key to Happiness

More Powerful Resources + Tools to Open Your Heart Chakra

🌟Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for tons of meditation music, affirmations, and subliminal videos designed to empower you, heal you, and help you create the reality of your dreams!

🔔 And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Your kindness and support are deeply appreciated. And it truly helps support my work and allows more people to see my videos. So, thank you!!

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How to Know You’ve Successfully Opened the Heart Chakra

When you balance your heart chakra and it begins to open, you’ll feel an abundance of empathy, compassion, and love. You’ll feel secure in your own skin. Free to be your authentic self and no longer mold to external expectations. And you’ll allow others to do the same.

You’ll show respect and concern for the happiness of other human beings and animals. And no matter the circumstance, you will exude an easy-going, peaceful nature that emanates outward. Other people will take notice and will become attracted to your energy.

You’ll become magnetic! And a light will shine within you that never shone before.

Sending so much love your way (take hold and bask in it😉).

Love, Liz
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