The Ultimate Guide to Balance Your Chakras for Beginners
Health + Wellness,  Law of Attraction,  Mindfulness,  Personal Growth,  Spirituality

Ultimate Beginners Guide to Chakras

Are chakras a mystery to you? I’m betting they are if you found your way to this article. First, let’s wipe the ‘deer caught in headlights’ look off your face, and then we’ll jump into it. Here’s your ultimate beginners guide to chakras.

You’ve probably heard the word before. Most likely in yoga class. Or if you’re learning about meditation, it has probably popped up a few times. But you still have no idea what a chakra is. Am I Right?

Did someone say, “Shakira?” “Shittake?” No, silly. I’m talking about chakras.

Bless you. Um, no. I didn’t sneeze. I said, “C-H-A-K-R-A-S.”

When you’re a newbie to the world of chakras, there are lots of Sanskrit words and foreign concepts to grasp. It can be overwhelmingly confusing at first. And most of us westerners believe if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Well, yeah, you’re going to have to uproot that deep-seated belief system. Because the world is full of things we can’t see.

Hopefully, this Chakra 101 beginner’s guide will help shed some light on the mystery of chakras for you. In this post, I’ll define for you what chakras are, how they can become blocked, and how you can balance and heal them.

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What are Chakras?

The chakra system is like any other system in your body. Like your nervous system or your circulatory system. But it’s not physical. It’s energetic.

The word chakra means ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’ in Sanskrit and refers to energy centers in the body that make up the chakra system.

In ancient cultures, way before the advent of modern science and technology, they discovered points of energy within all living things. Those points of energy are what we refer to as our chakras.

Chakras Circulate Prana Through the Body

There are seven main chakras that align along your spine, from the base to the crown of your head. Just think of them as spinning disks of positive energy at particular points in the body.

This invisible healing energy that flows through our body is called “prana.” It’s a vital life force that keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive. Prana enters the body through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and from absorbing the energies of the earth. It then travels through tiny channels called nadis, or energy channels, to every cell in the body.

There are actually 114 chakras in the body and thousands of these nadis, but it is the seven main energy centers that most people are referring to when talking about your chakras.

These energy centers correspond to massive nerve centers in the body, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Being in Balance Means Being in Flow

When all your chakras are in alignment, prana flows through these centers freely and all of these systems work in harmony. It’s very important for your chakras to be in balance.

When one becomes blocked, it can cut off the energy flow to the other chakras. Likewise, if a chakra is overactive, it can send too much energy to a particular chakra or area of the body.

In other words, imbalanced chakras can have a negative impact on our psychological, physical, energetic, and spiritual health.

Each of the main chakras is associated with particular parts of the body, organs, and health issues. They each also have their own defining characteristics, element, color, and even sound.

We’ll briefly touch on each of these so that you’re equipped with all the necessary information to heal and keep your energy centers balanced.

A general understanding of your body’s chakra system can improve your health and attract more joy, creativity, and confidence, into your life. But did you know that by healing and balancing your chakras, you can improve your manifestations?

Yep, we’ll discuss that too.

So let’s get to learning about these your incredible balls of energy. Welcome to your crash course in chakras for beginners, folks.

And for more information on how to activate and balance your chakras during yoga or if you’re interested in learning how to begin a yoga practice, be sure to check out 11 Easy Yoga Poses for Beginners: Best Asanas To Start Your Practice Now. Plus download the free guide to practice these poses whenever and wherever you like.

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Table of Contents

  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Throat Chakra
  6. The Third Eye Chakra
  7. The Crown Chakra
  8. Blocked Chakras Can Affect Your Manifestations
  9. Chakra Healing Techniques

Beginners Guide to the Seven Main Chakras

The first three chakras, starting at the base of the spine are associated with materiality. They are more physical in nature.

1. Root Chakra

The first, or lowest, chakra relates to the physical body and our connection to the Earth. It’s like a foundation (our roots). The root chakra is our survival center and is primal in nature. It’s concerned with security, stability, and our basic survival needs — food, shelter, safety, comfort, and belonging.

Location: Base of the spine, tailbone
Color: Red


  • spine
  • rectum
  • legs
  • arms
  • circulatory system

Health Issues:

  • digestive problems
  • eating disorders
  • low back pain
  • hip pain
  • ovarian or prostate issues
  • hypochondria (or general paranoia)
  • low energy levels
  • cold extremities

Balanced Chakra:

  • feel safe and secure
  • strong connection to friends and family
  • feel as though all basic survival needs are met
  • strong, confident, and grounded

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • scattered energies
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • greed
  • cynicism
  • excessive negativity
  • feelings of insecurity

2. Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is our sexual center and responsible for our creative expression. It determines how we relate to our emotions, the nature of our relationships, pleasure, sensation, and freedom from guilt.

Location: Just below the navel
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Sound: Vam


  • reproductive organs
  • kidneys
  • bowels
  • immune system

Health Issues:

  • chronic lower back pain
  • arthritis,
  • hip issues
  • genital problems
  • urinary discomfort
  • allergies

Balanced Chakra:

  • secure in your sexuality
  • create healthy sexual experiences with others that honor you
  • enjoy pleasure in many different facets of life
  • express creativity freely

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • lack of or repressed creativity
  • sexual dysfunction
  • withhold intimacy
  • emotionally unstable
  • depression
  • negative self-image
  • feel a lack of control in your life
  • attraction to addictive behaviors (drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, and issues with eating)

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra relates to your relationship with yourself and is the source of personal power, self-esteem, self-worth, and freedom from shame.

Location: Solar Plexus, just below the breast bone
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Sound: Ram


  • central nervous system
  • pancreas
  • stomach
  • liver
  • skin
  • digestive tract

Health Issues:

  • stomach pains
  • digestive discomfort
  • anxiety
  • troubles with memory

Balanced Chakra:

  • decisive
  • confident
  • high self-esteem
  • strong sense of personal power
  • strong in their own truth
  • trust your intuition
  • extremely productive

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • feel powerless or victimized
  • lack of ambition and purpose
  • control issues
  • manipulative tendencies
  • short temper
  • greed
  • misuse of power
  • lack of clear direction
  • low self-esteem
  • insecurity
  • indecisiveness
  • passive aggression
  • being timid or needy

The fourth chakra is the bridge that unites the lower three chakras of matter to the upper chakras of spirit. It is our center.

4. Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the source of unconditional love and our connection to the world around us. It is the center that connects our mind, body, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra influences your ability to give and receive love, forgive, and self-love.

Location: Center of the chest near the heart
Element: Air
Color: Green
Sound: Yam


  • heart,
  • thymus gland
  • lungs
  • circulatory system
  • immune system

Health Issues:

  • high blood pressure
  • low immune system function
  • heart palpitations
  • heartburn
  • circulation problems
  • heart disease
  • asthma
  • allergies

Balanced Chakra:

  • experience deep compassion
  • empathy
  • gratitude
  • unconditional love
  • acceptance

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • difficulty opening up to others
  • possessive
  • codependent
  • form dysfunctional relationships
  • hold grudges
  • isolate yourself for fear of rejection
  • fear of commitment
  • need to please others to be loved
  • lack of compassion

The upper chakras are associated with spirituality. When you harmonize your physical chakras, or the first three, you can open the spiritual chakras more fully.

5. Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra is your communication center. It is your voice, creative self-expression, and your truth. This chakra relates to your ability to listen and be heard.

Location: Center of the throat
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Sound: Ham


  • throat
  • thyroid
  • respiratory system
  • teeth
  • vocal cords

Health Issues:

  • sore throats
  • pain in the neck
  • sensitivity to hormone fluctuations
  • infections
  • mouth ulcers
  • dental problems

Balanced Chakra:

  • express yourself authentically and clearly
  • communicate your emotions in healthy ways
  • become better at listening to others
  • honor others’ personal truths without judgment

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • fear of speaking up
  • struggle with self-expression
  • shy or quiet
  • secretive
  • overly talkative or loud
  • interrupt others
  • have a hard time listening
  • often exaggerate or fib
  • feel unheard
  • obedient so as to not upset anyone
  • can’t find your voice or your truth

6. Third-Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is responsible for psychic abilities as well as your sense of purpose in life. It controls your ability to see the big picture and connect to your intuition, or sixth sense. The third-eye chakra registers information beyond the surface level.

Location: Between the eyebrows, center of the forehead, the pineal gland
Element: Light, Extra-sensory perception
Color: Indigo
Sound: Aum (Sounds like ‘Om’)


  • pituitary gland
  • pineal gland
  • eyes
  • brain
  • sinuses

Health Issues:

  • headaches
  • tension in the brow area
  • sinus allergies
  • fatigue

Balanced Chakra:

  • in tune with both the physical and spiritual worlds
  • open-minded
  • receive wisdom from sources beyond the senses
  • deep sense of trust
  • inner wisdom
  • clarity of mind
  • a strong connection to source

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • difficulty relating to the human experience
  • disconnected from your intuition
  • feel lost
  • constantly distracted by the paranormal or spiritual realm
  • disconnected from spirituality
  • struggle with faith, indecisiveness, and insomnia

7. Crown Chakra

The seventh, or highest, chakra (also referred to as the “thousand petal lotus”) is the connection between you and the divine. The crown chakra is responsible for spirituality, belief systems, consciousness, and enlightenment. It helps you understand who you are beyond your physical self — a spiritual being having a human experience. Your brain functions and the central nervous system are controlled by the crown chakra.

Location: Top of the head, hovers right above the crown
Element: Cosmic energy, Consciousness
Color: Violet or White
Sound: Ah

Body: mind

Health Issues:

  • migraines
  • chronic tension headaches
  • problems with physical coordination

Balanced Chakra:

  • spiritual
  • blessed
  • unity
  • wisdom
  • enlightened
  • open-minded
  • peaceful
  • connected to the universe (a higher power or higher consciousness)

Imbalanced Chakra:

  • loneliness
  • insignificance
  • aimlessness
  • depression
  • memory and learning problems
  • apathy
  • spiritual crisis
  • lack of connection or guidance from a higher power

Blocked Chakras Affect Your Manifestations

The mind, body, emotions, and spirit must be in harmony for your chakras to be in balance. When there is balance, prana energy (the energy of awareness) flows freely through you.

But when your energy centers become clogged or blocked, due to an imbalance of the mind, body, emotions, or spirit, it prevents the energy from flowing between you and the universe, the source of all your desires.

If you want to manifest your desires successfully, you need to connect with that energy. And you can’t do that if you’re blocking it.

So, if you want to unblock your manifestations, you’ll have to unblock your chakras. To do this, you must mind your thoughts, heal old emotional wounds, and take care of your body.

Once everything is in alignment, your chakras will be properly balanced, and your ability to manifest will be phenomenal.

🌟 WANT MORE? To discover if you may have imbalances within your energy centers, be sure to download the Chakra Healing Pre-Assessment Checklists + Affirmations Kit. I’ve included over 140 of the Most Powerful Healing Affirmations, plus a bonus Cheat Sheet for the entire system to help you balance and heal your seven chakras.

🌈✨And don’t forget to grab the Chakra Recipes eBook. Learn which foods to incorporate into your diet to balance + nourish each chakra. Plus, you’ll get over 35 healing recipes to energize your body, balance your mind, and make you … well, a happier you!🥬🥕🥦

Chakra Healing Affirmations + Imbalance Checklist Kit - Click to Get Your Healing Kit Now!

Chakra Healing Techniques

To make sure your energy centers are in proper flow, try guided chakra meditations, reiki, yoga, breathing techniques, or chanting seed mantras.

A seed mantra is just a single syllable repeated over and over throughout the meditation. Each chakra has its own sound mantra. Here is a video from my own YouTube channel. It’s a 30-minute meditation with powerful healing frequencies and seed mantra chanting to cleanse all seven chakras.

🌟 Be sure to visit my YouTube channel for more powerful meditations. Plus, there are tons of transformational affirmation and subliminal videos to raise your vibration, shift your paradigms, and reprogram your mind to succeed … and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of! And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Much appreciated, my friend:)

If you’d like to try some breathing techniques to cleanse your chakras, here is a video to help balance your system.

Allie-The Journey Junkie

Or if you’d like to learn more about pranayama breathing techniques, this video teaches three exercises to tune your system, alter your mood, and ensure longevity.

Ventuno Yoga

Finally, here is a 20-minute yoga routine by Brett Larkin to balance the energy centers in your body.


Feeling pretty proud of yourself for learning something new, aren’t you? Well, you should. So, give yourself a pat on the back because you are now a little bit wiser.

Now that you have a general understanding of what chakras are, you can start healing yourself. Heal that pain in your neck that just won’t go away. Those chronic headaches. Or maybe that heartburn that drives you crazy.

This beginners guide to the seven chakras is your blueprints for self-care. And now that you have a general understanding of what chakras are, you can start healing yourself. Just pinpoint the energy centers that need to be balanced. Then begin balancing and realigning yourself.

You just have to play around and try different techniques until you find what works for you. Good luck!

Amazing Must-Read Chakra Books

If you’re looking to add to your collection, these books are both incredible resources for healing, balancing, and unblocking your energy centers.

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras is a great book for beginners. But with all the amazing information packed into this powerful guide, it’s a must-read for ALL levels. You’ll learn everything there is to know about the chakra system. It also walks you through how and why different crystals, essential oils, and sacred plants help to support each chakra.

And in Chakras & Self-Care, you’ll find meditative exercises that activate and balance each of your seven main chakras. This comprehensive guide includes affirmations, visualizations, essential oil blend recipes, rituals and so much more.

Follow on Pinterest for More…

If you want more inspiring chakra information, guided meditations, and breathing techniques, check out my Pinterest boards. Be sure to click the follow button to get all the latest updates. I’m always adding new pins!

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