How to Manifest a Specific Person - Is it Possible
Law of Attraction,  Personal Growth,  Spirituality

9 Burning Questions About How to Manifest a Specific Person: Does It Really Work?


I’m here to tell you that YES you can absolutely manifest a specific person. Whether it’s an ex, a crush, someone in your friend zone, or a stranger (like that hottie you see on the subway every day on your way to work that you can’t seem to muster up the courage to talk to).

It doesn’t matter who or what you want to manifest. It is all possible.

And manifesting a specific person that has caught your eye or that you can’t seem to get off your mind is no different than manifesting anything else.

The same laws still apply.

Now, with that said, there are a lot of factors that go into manifesting a specific person into your experience. So, it may take more time or require more willpower on your part (like not stalking their social media and ignoring your current circumstances, for instance).

That’s why so many people recommend ‘going general’ rather than trying to manifest a specific person (which I’ll get into later in question #5).

But you are the operant power within your reality. And if there’s someone you want to attract into your experience, you can absolutely do that.

Because any desire you have was put there for a reason. It’s what your soul wants you to experience.

So, if you put in the extra effort to …
  • Heal old wounds
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs
  • Work on forgiving the other person (if it’s someone you had a relationship with or have history with)
  • Release any neediness, desperation, or other unhealthy attachments to this person
  • And focus on you (building your self-worth, raising your vibration, and finding happiness without them and within yourself)

Then you can proceed to the next step — which is manifesting a loving relationship with your specific person.

But let me be clear.

Before you start visualizing and scripting your desire, you have to do all the preliminary work first. You have to make sure you’re in a place where you’re capable of receiving the love you desire. And then you must become the vibration of love and radiate it.

Because you manifest what you are, not what you want. So, you must become what you desire.

In the case of love, you must become loving and capable of receiving love. And in order to manifest a specific person, you must become the person you desire to attract. Embody the vibration and qualities of that person that made you fall in love with them.

So, let’s get into it.

Here are the 9 most common questions I receive from my clients and readers regarding whether it’s possible to manifest a specific person.

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: I’m always here to guide, support, and cheer on as many people as I can in manifesting the life of their dreams. So, if you decide you’d like more guidance in your manifestation journey, you can signup for one-on-one coaching so we can discuss your specific issue.

Click here to visit my Shop page and select the coaching option that best suits your needs.

🌟 Want even more info on how to manifest your SP? To learn how manifestation works, the science behind it, and what steps to take in order to manifest a specific person or the love of your life, click here to read my extensive guide to manifesting love.

RELATED: How to Manifest A Specific Person With The Law of Attraction: 7 Things You Need to Know

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Table of Contents

  1. Is Manifesting a Specific Person Wrong? What About Their Free Will?
  2. What If My Specific Person Lives Far Away?
  3. What If My Specific Person Is Married or Dating Someone Else?
  4. How Do I Handle a Third-Party Situation?
  5. Does Manifesting a Specific Person Even Work? Or Should I Go General and Manifest ‘This Or Better’?
  6. How to Deal with Doubt, Missing Them, or Feeling Low?
  7. Will Dating Other People Mess Up My Manifestation?
  8. How Do I Deal with the Issue of Time?
  9. How to Live in the End of the Wish Fulfilled and Remain Faithful?
  10. Powerful Subliminal Affirmations Video to Manifest the Love of Your Life!
Attract Love with a Specific Person

1. Is Manifesting a Specific Person Wrong? What About Their Free Will?

How could it be wrong to use your imagination to tap into a version of reality that you’d like to experience which already exists within creation?

It’s not.

That’s why we came here. To become the powerful creators we are and choose which realities we’d like to explore.

So, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to explore a particular slice of reality in which you are dating or married to a specific person.

Manifesting a specific person is not black magic. You’re not turning someone into your own personal puppet. Instead, you’re experiencing a reality in which they choose to be with you.

And so, manifesting a relationship with a specific person is no more interfering with that person’s free will than manifesting a specific job interferes with the free will of the hiring agent.

Let me break this down for you.

Existence is infinite. And within existence, there are infinite parallel realities. Everything that could happen has already happened. It all already exists.

With every choice you make, you shift into a new reality. You’re shifting realities all the time (which is how you create your particular experience).

It’s always up to you as to which slices of reality you choose to experience.

And as you raise your frequency and learn to use your imagination to tap into different realities, you’re able to access better versions of reality that you’d like to experience.

Like one in which you are in a relationship with this particular person.

If you can imagine it. It exists.

You just have to learn to tap into whatever you want to manifest by matching the frequency of it.

In other words, you’re not breaking any laws of free will by using your imagination to tap into a reality that already exists. We are all one. We are all a part of the one creator.

And the one infinite creator has already imagined all there is to imagine. All there is to experience. There are infinite realities all existing right here. Right now.

You just have to choose one.

So, don’t be afraid to get specific with what you want to create for yourself.

2. What If My Specific Person Lives Far Away?

The physical distance between you and your SP has no bearing on the success of your manifestation. Your person could live on the moon and you could still manifest them into your life.

It will, however, become an obstacle if it is a limiting belief for you.

If you believe that the physical distance between you two will keep you apart or make the manifestation take longer, then you’ve just inserted a source of resistance around your desire to be with this person.

And you’re dooming the relationship before it even starts.

So, you just need to clean up that resistance and eliminate the false limiting belief that distance is a factor. And in order to get rid of limiting beliefs, you have to reprogram your subconscious.

What to Do…

Affirmations and subliminals are great ways to free yourself from old belief systems and reprogram the mind with new empowering ones.

But you have to use them repeatedly and be consistent with them. You can’t say an affirmation a few times throughout the day or listen to a subliminal once and think you’ve rewired your brain.

You have to flood your mind with them. Record your affirmations in a soothing voice and listen to the recording on a loop for at least 15-20 minutes. Then do that several times throughout the day.

Listen to it while you’re at work (just not while you’re in a meeting).😉 Or you could listen to it while you’re doing housework, going for a walk, or performing any other mundane, menial task.

And the most effective times to retrain your subconscious are as you’re drifting off to sleep and when you wake up first thing in the morning. So, grab a pair of earbuds and listen to your subliminal recording at night while you’re sleeping, too.

Now do this routine for a minimum of 21-30 days. That’s how long it takes the average person to reprogram their subconscious.

It requires dedication to stick to any routine. But is this person worth it to you?

If so, then you’ll have to put in the work. And let’s be honest, is it really all that hard to remember to listen to a recording a few times a day for a month?

No. No, it is not.

Despite what your mind tries to tell you. And believe me. It will come up with a million and one excuses for why you don’t have the time to do this one very simple thing.

Just stay faithful to the imaginal act of your ‘end scene’ that you created. And trust that it will happen. KNOW that your desire already exists. And that you’re already with your SP.

And then, let the universe take care of the rest.

🌟Want to Know More? To find out how to use affirmations and subliminals in the most effective way, and incorporate them into a manifestation routine, be sure to read How to Manifest A Specific Person With The Law of Attraction: 7 Things You Need to Know. And if you’d like more info on how to reprogram the subconscious mind, check out How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Unlock Your Superpowers.

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3. What If My Specific Person Is Married or Dating Someone Else?

It’s absolutely possible to manifest someone no matter what their romantic or marital status currently is.

Now having said that, I’m not giving you a permission slip (nor am I encouraging you) to take physical action to break up a relationship.

What I’m saying is that you are currently in a reality in which your SP may be with someone else. But you can easily shift to a new reality in which they are in a relationship with you.

Maybe in the new reality, the other relationship didn’t work out. Or maybe they were never with the 3rd party in the first place.

But the process of manifesting a relationship with someone is not about using trickery or manipulation to get what you want.

It’s about acting with integrity and being in alignment with the vibration of love.

Because when you intentionally manifest something, it’s about tapping into the power of your Higher Self (which is where your power to manifest stems from) and using your imagination to create the vision of your desire. Then raising your frequency to match your desire. And allowing your intuition to guide you to that desire.

In other words, the universe will take care of all the details. And it will do so in a way that is in everyone’s best interest.

Let’s face it, couples break up every day. They grow apart. Or they fall out of love. They meet someone new. The list is endless. And it’s not for you to worry about why or how this may come about.

Your job is to focus on planting the seed and knowing it will surprise you when you least expect it. Let the universe take care of the rest.

So, if you truly believe this particular person is who you want to be with, then yes you can manifest it. Don’t let their romantic status stop you from creating the reality you wish to experience … with the person you wish to experience it with.

ANYTHING is possible! If you can imagine it, you can experience it. The ONLY impossible things in life are those that we tell ourselves are out of our reach.

When you allow doubt and other limiting false beliefs to dictate what you can create and accomplish, then that is what will block your manifestation.

4. How Do I Handle a Third-Party Situation?

You don’t. You don’t handle them at all. Just as I mentioned in the previous question, you allow the universe to remove them from the equation. And it will do so in a way that is in everyone’s best interest.

You have to remember, there are soul contracts and themes that each of us came here to experience. There are so many factors at play in all of our lives that are beyond our knowledge.

From our limited human perspective, there’s no way we can know why this third party exists within your SP’s reality right now.

But the universe, from its limitless expanded perspective, knows all. And it is orchestrating everything behind the scenes according to what every being is asking for (either consciously or unconsciously).

Most people, however, are not aware that they’re creating their reality. They don’t know that with every thought, feeling, and belief they are writing the story of their life.

But you do — which means you have the upper hand.

You’re aware of your power to create. So, don’t allow the third party to enter into the reality you’re trying to create. Don’t allow them into your imagination or your thoughts. And definitely don’t allow them into you the imaginal act of your ‘end scene’.

Because when you focus on the third party and their relationship with your SP, you’re focusing on what you don’t want. So, don’t think about them, get upset by them, or give them any of your energy whatsoever. If you do, they will continue to exist in your reality … as an obstacle.

Another important point I should mention is not to compare yourself to any third party. This is damaging to your manifestation efforts for several reasons.

Not only are you giving them your attention (and therefore, your energy). But it will only let doubt creep in and bring your frequency down — which will destroy your manifestation.

So, pretend your SP is single and do whatever it takes to convince yourself of that fact. Use your imagination and all the manifestation tools you have at your disposal to rid yourself of limiting beliefs. And that’s what a third party is — just a limiting belief.

Otherwise, my friends, the answer here is simple. Ignore them.

Use Law of Attraction to Manifest Love with a Specific Person

5. Does Manifesting a Specific Person Even Work? Or Should I Go General and Manifest ‘This Or Better’?

Yes … and yes! We live in a choose-your-adventure reality. So, it’s completely up to you which adventures you choose to experience in this life.

And that includes who you choose to experience it with.

You can be specific and choose exactly which mates you’d like to try on to see if they’re a good fit. Or you can go general when calling in the love of your life and let the universe surprise you.

There is no right answer. Only what feels right for you.

With that said, yes, manifesting a specific person absolutely works! But it will only work for you if you believe that it works. If deep down you believe all this is hogwash or fairytale mumbo-jumbo … then, you’re right. And it will never work for you.

That’s the power of belief.

Beliefs dictate our reality. Whatever you believe to be true will always be true for you.

So, ultimately, it is always your choice to choose to ‘go general’ when manifesting love (or any desire). Because in all honesty, it’s simply easier and may take less time.

And as I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of factors that go into manifesting a specific person into your experience. Not that it’s harder than manifesting anything else. But we usually tend to make it more difficult for a number of reasons (especially if we already know the person, can’t stop longing for them, or have just recently broken up with them).

And so, oftentimes we’re told to focus on ‘this or something better’ (meaning this person or someone better).

However, we all came here with our own unique desires. And if you have a burning desire to experience something, then you should absolutely go after it. There’s a reason why we feel such a strong pull towards it. Because it’s what our soul wants us to experience.

So, if there’s someone you want to attract into your experience, you (as the operant power within your reality) can absolutely do that.

It just may take more time and faith.

But keep in mind that although you have the choice to be as specific as you wish with what you’d like to manifest, it is possible you may not want it once you have it.

You may realize there is something better out there for you.

But it’s always our right to try out whatever experience we want.

Manifest Love Workbook + Journal Bundle
Manifest Love - How to Deal with Waiting and Feeling Lonely

6. How to Deal with Doubt, Missing Them, or Feeling Low?

First, I’d advise you not to talk to your friends (or anyone for that matter) about wanting to manifest your SP.

I would say this to anyone trying to manifest anything. Not that you can’t manifest something if you tell another person about your desire.

It’s just that if someone tells you ‘to be realistic’ or that what you desire is crazy or out of reach, etc … then, it puts doubt in your mind — which means you either will give up on the desire or never keep faith that it will manifest.

It’s also worth mentioning that if you were to tell someone and they looked at you sideways as they told you to get your head out of the clouds, their doubtful comments are actually just reflections of the doubt that is already lingering within your own subconscious mind.

So, instead of letting it discourage you, it should indicate to you that you have some limiting beliefs to clear out before your manifestation can materialize.

Another thing to steer clear of is checking your person’s social media or crying on your friends’ shoulders about them. Every time you focus on the fact that they’re not in your life, you miss them, what they’re doing, or who they’re doing it with, you’re reinforcing to the universe (and yourself) that they are ‘lacking’ from your life. It also ends up making you feel really bad — which lowers your vibration.

So, journal about your desire but try to keep it to yourself.

What to Do…

Here are some things you can do if you find yourself feeling sad or low.


Breathwork is a great way to calm yourself down during moments of sadness, anger, or anxiety. Or you could follow a guided breathwork meditation designed to help release unwanted, trapped emotions within the body.

Here’s an amazing healing meditation from Pushing Beauty:
Guided Breathwork Meditation

Most of her videos focus on breathwork to heal emotions and traumas (like the pain caused by a breakup). It may be just what you need to shift your energy and start feeling better.

🌟Want More? For more guided meditations to open and heal your heart, as well as more healing heart techniques, be sure to read my post How to Open Your Heart Chakra and Unlock Your Desires.


You could also try listening to Solfeggio frequencies. They are an amazing way to heal and harmonize your mind, body, and spirit.

341.3 Hz is the heart chakra frequency and will bring balance to the heart chakra.

528 Hz is known as the “love” frequency. It will help recalibrate your DNA structure and open your heart chakra to unconditional love.

639 Hz is the “relationship” frequency. It enhances communication, understanding, tolerance, and love allowing you to build deep, meaningful, and harmonious relationships with others. It also helps balance the emotions and elevate your mood.


Another technique you could try is Rewriting Your Day (or any event you’d like to revise). This will not only exercise your imagination but creates a new memory within your subconscious.

If something specific happened that made you feel bad during the day, rewrite the event the way you wish it had gone. After rewriting it, use your imagination and visualize the ‘new’ event over and over.

It helps to be in a meditative state when you do this. So, you could use the deep belly breathing from above, meditate, and/or stare at a candle flame to relax and get into a trance-like state.

Repeat this until the ‘new’ memory starts to make you feel better.

Or if nothing in particular happened, but you just felt sad in general, rewrite your day in a more general sense. Revise the fact that you felt low or cried by imagining yourself having an amazing day. Visualize yourself smiling, laughing, genuinely feeling happy, and saying statements of gratitude for such a wonderful amazing day.

Always end your day on a good note. And keep imagining that really, really good feeling.

Side Note: Don’t visualize your imaginal act (the ‘end scene’ of you with your SP) if you feel bad. Wait until you’re feeling better and in a higher vibration.

And if you’re looking to specifically connect to your Higher Self, meditation and automatic writing are great ways to do that.

RELATED: How to Open Your Heart Chakra and Unlock Your Desires

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7. Will Dating Other People Mess Up My Manifestation?

Once you’ve successfully planted the seed of your desire, you’re free to date and live your life. You don’t have to put your life on hold and wait for the manifestation to materialize.

So, yes, you can date other people and still successfully manifest your SP. But it can get tricky. There are some things to consider first.

So, let me explain.

Before jumping back into the dating scene, I would advise you to focus on you.

That means doing the necessary inner work to heal yourself before you start putting your energy into other people.

You also want to work through the steps I laid out in my post about how to manifest a specific person before turning your attention toward other possible romantic pursuits.


Because most of us have subconscious limiting beliefs and resistance around our desire (especially the big desires like manifesting a specific person). So, we have some healing to do before we can raise our vibration to match that of our desire.

That’s why when you’re new to intentionally manifesting, it’s not as simple as just imagining your desire a few times and you’re all set to go. There’s some preliminary work you have to do in regards to healing and reprogramming the subconscious.

It won’t always be such ‘work’. Eventually, once you get the hang of how it all works, you can fine-tune the process.

But until then, you have to be dedicated to doing the work.

With that being said, dating or hanging out with other people will only hurt your manifestation if it makes you feel bad or causes you anxiety. Otherwise, there’s no harm in spending time with and making new ‘friends’. You may even have fun.

Another thing to keep in mind is that what you desire is to be with your SP (not these other people), and so you are dating people with no intention of ending up with them.

Just be sure to be clear with them that you want to keep things casual and noncommittal (if that’s what you want). That way you don’t end up hurting someone else. Because you don’t want to create any negative karma.

Now, on the flip side, it’s always a possibility that you could end up dating someone that you actually develop feelings for. And so, you may decide you would rather be with them instead of your SP — which could be a great thing (again, if that’s what you want).

Because, ultimately, you can always change your mind.

So, yes you can date other people and still manifest your SP. But as you can see there are a few things to consider first.

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8. How Do I Deal with the Issue of Time?

In the simplest of terms, release needing your desire right now.

I get it. You’re chomping at the bit. And you want to be with this person right now. So, after you do the work and plant the seed of your desire, you begin to get antsy.

You start wondering, ‘Where are they?’ You end up staring at the clock. Watching the minutes tick by. And holding your breath waiting for them to show up on your doorstep.

And you have all these reasons why you need this desire to happen sooner than later.

Like …

I’m getting older. My family is pressuring me to settle down. I want to have kids by a particular age. Or they may start dating someone else.

But it doesn’t matter what your reason is, needing your desire is a belief in lack. It is saying loud and clear to the universe that you are not ready for your high-vibrational dream relationship. And in your desperation to hurry things up, you actually slow things down.

Life can’t unfold if you have it in a perpetual state of pause. Life will slow down and never appear to be moving in a forward movement (toward your desire).

Trust me. I absolutely get it. We all want instant gratification. And it’s hard to wait.

Because while we wait, we tend to let doubt creep in. And nothing kills a desire faster than doubt. That’s when we start doing all kinds of crazy things that just push our desire further away from us.

But you have to remain faithful to the KNOWING that your desire will unfold at the perfect time in the perfect way.

Because once you’ve successfully planted the seed of your desire within your subconscious, letting it go and getting on with living your life (focusing on other desires and the things in life that bring you joy) is the fastest way to shorten the time gap.

So, the ‘time’ it takes to get your desire is really all up to you.

How soon do you want it?

If you keep wobbling in your emotional state, let doubt creep in, or remain in your old state of being, then it will take much longer to attract your desire.

Or it may never happen at all.

So, my advice to you is to remain faithful to living in the end of your wish fulfilled. Because when you stop ‘needing’ something, that’s always when it appears.

RELATED: Manifestation Not Working? 10 Ways to Boost Your Manifestation Power and Accuracy

Manifest Love - Living in the End of the Wish Fulfilled

9. How to Live in the End of the Wish Fulfilled and Remain Faithful?

‘Living in the End of the Wish Fulfilled’ is not a technique. It’s a state of being.

What that means is you must become what you wish to manifest. If you desire to manifest love, you must become love. So, be loving and accept love from others.

If wealth is what you want, you must become abundance. So, let go of your poor mindset and beliefs in lack.

And for good health, you must become free of toxic thoughts and actions. So, take care of your body and release trapped emotions that are causing physical manifestations of pain or illness.

Visualization is a technique we use to manifest. But ‘living in the end of the wish fulfilled’ is becoming a new person. Stepping into a new reality where your desire is already manifest.

To really drive this point home, let’s break this down a little bit.

Visualizing your desire allows you to experience the parallel reality in which that event exists. And in that moment of experiencing your desire, you raise your vibration by feeling good, amazing, and blissful as you practice your visualization technique.

That’s why the excitement, the satisfaction, and the joy you feel during the imagining of your desire is important. It’s only a taste of that new reality, but it helps you feel the high-frequency emotions that you need to hold on to as you step out of your visualization and carry on through your day.

So, in the visualization process, you are imagining a state of being that is different from the one you are currently inhabiting in your current reality. This allows you to step into that new state of being. The new state of being is of a higher vibration than your old state of being — which was limited by false beliefs of lack and doubt.

In order to maintain the new, higher state of being you must do whatever it takes to feel really, really good.

And then protect that positive, high-vibe state of being at all costs. Meaning you do NOT take your cue from your current circumstances, and you refuse to allow negative emotions to bring you down.

Anything that makes you feel bad is not in alignment with who you truly are — a powerful, limitless being brought here to create through the use of your imagination.

That’s not to say you have to feel good all the time 24/7 in order to manifest your desire or remain in the new state of being. It simply means that when you feel bad (become triggered, experience a negative emotion, or have a low moment), you observe that you’ve fallen out of alignment. Then reframe the negative thought or belief and pick yourself back up as fast as you can.

Don’t allow a negative emotion (which is only a signal that you’re out of alignment) to pull you out of your new high-vibrational state of being and throw you back down into the old state of being.

To step into your new desired reality, you have to become a new version of you. You have to choose to be a different, better version of yourself than who you’ve been in the past.

Make different choices. Walk, talk, and think differently. And that all comes from changing your old belief systems. So, observe them, eliminate the ones that no longer serve you, and program in new, empowering ones.

Because you are the operant power within your reality. KNOW that. And then BECOME it.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Technique: Unlock the Power of Your Imagination

More Powerful Manifestation Resources + Tools

🌟Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for tons of meditation music, affirmations, and subliminal videos designed to empower you, heal you, and help you create the reality of your dreams!

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Need More Guidance in Manifesting Love with a Specific Person?

Do you want someone so much you literally can’t stop thinking about them? Or do you miss your ex and want nothing more than to be back in their arms? Is there someone you know without a shadow of a doubt is your soulmate, but they live halfway around the world?

It may seem hopeless or impossible, but you can absolutely manifest your person into your life.

It’s time to take your power back! It’s also time for you to start being the limitless creator that you are!

And start creating your reality, not being victim to it.

So, if you have more questions you’d like answered or would like to discuss your specific manifestation circumstances with me, you can click here to get started with one-on-one coaching.

I’m here to help as many people as I can in manifesting the life of their dreams. I can’t do the work for you …

But I can surely guide, support, and cheer you on along the way in your manifestation journey.

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💜 P.S. If you’d like to ensure your manifestation success, I’ve created a downloadable workbook to help you every step of the way in the process of manifesting your special person.

You’ll be able to track your progress, get guided journal prompts, and get even more detailed daily instructions and inspiration. Plus tons more. Click below to start manifesting your specific person now!

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