Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Root Chakra
The Ra Material: The Law of One is essentially a blueprint for life and spiritual evolution that offers us its own psychological rather than a mystical perspective on the chakra system. And in this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Ra’s explanation of the Root Chakra — which Ra refers to as the Red Ray Energy Center.
Going into great detail about our energy centers (a.k.a. our chakra system), the Ra Material emphasizes their importance in our spiritual development as well as in our everyday life. It also explains how to activate them, and even how to crystalize them in order to ascend from third to fourth density.
So, if you’re interested in learning what aspects of your daily life affect your Root Chakra, and want a practical guide to clearing and healing the biases (or distortions) that block it, then you’re in the right place.
And for those of you that just want to feel better, be more connected to your place on this planet, and live a more joyous life, this article is sure to be of benefit to you as well.
In this article, we’ll discuss what the Red Ray energy center is, the two main aspects of your life that cause blockages in this chakra, and how to open and balance it.
SIDE NOTE: If you’re unfamiliar with the Ra Material and The Law of One, or would like a general overview of the seven main energy centers according to this material, be sure to read my previous article, Chakras According to The Law of One: Overview of the Seven Energy Centers, which is the first post in this “The Chakras According to The Law of One” series.
So, without further ado, let’s jump into it.
Table of Contents
- Why It’s Important to Open and Balance Your Energy Centers
1.1 What is Balance?
1.2 Balancing Our Chakras Allows for Peace and Spiritual Evolution
1.3 Full Activation of Each Chakra Is Not the Goal
1.4 Activating the Chakras in Ascending Order - What Is the Red Ray Energy Center?
2.1 What Are the Two Main Root Chakra Blockages? - Sexuality and the Red Ray Center
3.1 Sex is a Natural Part of Creation
3.2 Sexual Energy at the Red Ray Level is a Survival Mechanism
3.3 How Sexuality Can Block the Root Chakra
3.4 How to Handle Sexuality to Clear the Root Chakra
3.5 Questions to Ask Yourself - Survival Needs and the Red Ray Center
4.1 Our Need to Survive is Primal
4.2 How Fear Can Block the Root Chakra
4.3 How to Handle Fear and Disconnection to Clear the Root Chakra
4.4 Questions to Ask Yourself - Ways to Balance the Red Ray Energy Center
5.1 Emotional Balancing
5.2 Earth Energy Meditation
5.3 Contemplation + Journaling
5.4 The Practice of Grounding - Final Thoughts on the Lessons of Love in Our Third Density Experience
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Why It’s Important to Open and Balance Your Energy Centers
Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about the word, “balancing,” as we are using it?
Ra: I am Ra… Love, creating light, becoming love/light, streams into the planetary sphere according to the electromagnetic web of points or nexi of entrance. These streamings are then available to the individual who, like the planet, is a web of electromagnetic energy fields with points or nexi of entrance.
–The Law of One, session 15.9
In a balanced individual, each energy center is balanced and functioning brightly and fully. The blockages of your planetary sphere cause some distortion of intelligent energy. The blockages of the mind/body/spirit complex [person] further distort or unbalance this energy.
What is Balance?
First, let’s quickly define what being in “balance” means.
Ra tells us that infinite energy (or love/light as they refer to it) streams into our planet and then that energy flows through us. Starting at the Red Ray energy center, and then flowing through our energy pipeline entering each energy center in ascending order.
And if the pathway is unblocked, that energy flows back to the One Infinite Creator.
In a balanced individual, each energy center is functioning brightly and all rays are balanced to a necessary degree as to allow this intelligent energy to travel through our energy pipeline unobstructed.
However, blockages occur when there are distortions in our thoughts and emotions.
Distortions are basically negative or false beliefs that separate us from the Law of One — that each one of us is a unique fragment of the One Infinite Creator experiencing itself and we are one with all of creation.
These distortions can occur at the level of mass consciousness (the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes of society in general). We can also accumulate distortions on a personal level through our own unique life experiences.
These false beliefs keep us vibrating at a lower frequency. And in order to raise our vibration to the frequency of a balanced individual, we need to clear our distortions.
Balancing Our Chakras Allows for Peace and Spiritual Evolution
The seven energy centers in the energy body are living entities that are constantly shifting in clarity, intensity of color, and rate of vibration. And each one is of equal importance.
This means no one chakra is “better” than another just because it’s in a higher placement within the energy body. We need them all to be open and functioning properly so that infinite intelligent energy can flow freely through our system.
And the first step in healing and opening the energy centers is to admit and accept the fact that you encompass all emotions, all thoughts, and all traits within all human beings.
That is the Law of One. You are everything — the good, the bad and the ugly.
Failing to embrace this truth blocks your spiritual growth. And you won’t graduate this density.
You must realize and be willing to admit to yourself that whatever triggers or upsets you in another (or in the outside world) is within yourself.
Accepting ourselves just as we are from moment to moment relaxes and opens our energy body so that love/light can flow freely through the first three chakras and into the Heart Chakra.
However, condemning ourselves for self-perceived errors contracts and constricts our energy centers.
So, be gentle with yourself. All you have to do is take note of your mistakes. Learn from them. And then, without judgment, choose to correct those choices next time.
Full Activation of Each Chakra Is Not the Goal
According to Ra, a fully activated being (someone with all seven energy centers fully activated) is rare.
In terms of graduating from third to fourth density, the goal is to activate the primary energy centers (red ray, yellow ray and blue ray; not to be confused with the “lower” energy centers which are red, orange, and yellow).
To do this, we open and balance the Red Ray energy center; which leads to opening and balancing the Orange Ray; leading to the Yellow Ray; opening the gateway to the activation of the Green Ray; and once the Green Ray is achieved, the doorway to the Blue Ray is immediately opened.
This does not mean that once an energy center is opened it will forever and always remain open.
Once we work through and heal our distortions, we must continue to remain emotionally balanced. It’s a daily practice that we must devote ourselves to constantly work on throughout our entire life.
However, our goal is not to strive for perfection. But rather to harmonize and balance the energy centers by activating them to the minimal necessary degree.
Activating the Chakras in Ascending Order
It’s helpful in understanding the energy centers and their relationship to one another to start with the first and work your way up to the seventh ray.
But it’s possible to open higher level chakras before activating or clearing lower level ones.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that if you have not activated or cleared the lower level energy centers, energy can not freely flow up the energy pipeline.
This means your energy centers are not operating in a harmonious way and it’s impossible for them to be in balance.
According to the Law of One, individuals that attempt to activate higher chakras before dealing with the fundamental ones actually end up causing an energy imbalance. And energy imbalances frequently lead to health issues.
So, it may be tempting to activate the Indigo Ray energy center first (your Third Eye Chakra). But it’s best to deal with any issues you have related to the first three chakras and balance those energies before jumping ahead to the higher energy centers.
Then once those chakras are efficiently balanced, work on opening the Heart Chakra. And so forth.
For now, let’s focus on the Red Ray energy center and take a closer look at what it is, according to Ra.
And then later in the article, we’ll discuss some techniques and balancing exercises that will help heal the issues in your life that may be blocking the Root Chakra.
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What is the Red Ray Energy Center?
The Red Ray energy center, as described by Ra, is the fundamental energy center. It’s our foundation. It’s the first energy center in the energy body and is located at the base of the spine where the legs meet.
This is where the incoming light energy from the Earth enters the energy body. Ra refers to this light energy as “love/light” (a.k.a. the energy of infinite intelligence or prana).
In terms of our daily lives, the Root Chakra deals with our sexuality, our basic needs of survival and ‘beingness,’ our connection to the Earth, and our connection to life on it.
Our reactions to incoming catalysts (life experiences) related to these issues can cause changes in our energy flow. And every thought we entertain has the potential to change our energy body’s coloration and its state of openness.
So, even though all Red Ray energy centers are red, the intensity and clarity of that color may vary. The more we clear our distortions and balance our thoughts and emotions, the closer our red ray vibrates at the “true color” of red.
And just like us, Earth is a living entity with seven energy centers.
Its Red Ray energy center is the vibration of the “true color”. So, the closer our own red ray chakra matches the red ray vibration of the planet, the more easily love/light energy can enter our body through our first energy center.
What Are the Two Main Root Chakra Blockages?
Both the first and last chakras — Red Ray and Violet Ray — are essentially readouts. The Red Ray is a starting readout of our vital and physical energy levels. While the Violet Ray is the sum of all your other energy ray centers (your overall vibrational expression).
Even though the Red Ray Chakra is, in a sense, a readout of your energy when you came into this world. That does not mean that it can’t become blocked.
Our most primal instincts reside in this chakra. Our red ray chakra handles the energy of sexuality and survival.
We instinctually desire to survive. And we instinctually desire to procreate and preserve our species by engaging in the act of sex at the level of the Red Ray.
And so, a lot of us get stuck with blockages at the Red Ray level, either because of our feelings about sexuality or our feelings about living and surviving on planet Earth.
RELATED: Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Sacral Chakra
Sexuality and the Red Ray Center
Sex is a Natural Part of Creation
The Root Chakra is the fundamental energy center of ‘beingness’. And the true nature of beingness is the Creator experiencing Itself.
And sex is just another way in which the Creator can experience Itself. By coming into union with another being’s body we’re capable of experiencing oneness with that other being. On a small scale, it’s the experience of ‘oneness with the Infinite Creator.’
It’s also how we’re all conceived. We exist because the Creator granted life to the seed our fathers sowed within the wombs of our mothers. And through that union that we’re capable of producing another human life.
The ultimate act of creation.
The Creator is not only giving us a glimpse of true oneness but has also gifted us with Its power of manifesting life itself.
So, you see, sex is completely natural and something we were designed to do. It’s our roots and our beginning. And our very existence depends upon it.
Sexual Energy at the Red Ray Level is a Survival Mechanism
Men are instinctively driven to sow their seeds with as many partners as possible to ensure their genetic survival.
While women, on the other hand, are instinctively more selective when picking a sexual partner. They intuitively go for the strongest “alpha male” to give their offspring the best chance of survival.
This is how sexual energy operates at the Root Chakra level, the most basic level.
However, when we form a genuine fondness for our sexual partner, we allow our sexual energy to rise above this basic instinct level of the Red Ray. And it then rises to the next stop along the energy pipeline — the Orange Ray.
Through various stages of sexual energy transfers, we are capable of allowing this energy to rise to the highest level of energy transfer between two people — the Indigo Ray.
SIDE NOTE: Sex is a transfer of energy from one being to another. And that transfer can affect those two beings at different levels or energy centers. The Red Ray deals with our sexuality and sexual energies. Not necessarily a transfer of love energy. So, keep in mind, that in terms of having an open Root Chakra, you’re only looking at your relationship with sex itself. Do you have a healthy relationship with your sexual desires?
How Sexuality Can Block the Root Chakra
Sex addictions or rejecting your sexuality entirely can create blockages within our energy body.
By abusing and/or denying our sexual nature, we either over-stimulate, restrict, or completely cut off the flow of energy at the Root Chakra.
At the Red Ray level, sex is an energy that arises naturally. And it’s one of our basic needs to express this energy. Now, whether you act on that energy or not, expressing it merely means allowing it to be there.
Not judging it or denying it. But rather accepting it.
In other words, you don’t have to be sexually active in order to have a healthy Root Chakra.
If you have a lack of sexual desire, choose not to act on your sexual desire, or are completely celibate, your Red Ray energy center can still be bright and happy.
As long as you accept and are at peace with your sexuality.
Hey, sometimes the red ray is loud and raring to go. And sometimes, it wants to be silent. So, let it be silent.
Just let your desires flow naturally.
If, on the other hand, you’re denying your sexual energy because you have underlying emotional issues causing you to feel like sex is a sin, immoral, or ‘bad’ in any way, then you’re blocking a very pure and beautiful energy from flowing through you.
This means there’s a distortion you have about sex that must be healed.
How to Handle Sexuality to Clear the Root Chakra
Our sexual drive is a basic part of our human nature. We’re sexual creatures. And our sexual energy is sacred. It’s not ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’.
Our bodies are sacred as well. And when two beings come together in union, it can be a divine act of creation.
So, when we honor and respect our bodies and our sexual energy, we nourish the Red Ray energy center.
And by affirming our sexuality as a part of who we are and as the truest form of creation gifted to us by infinite intelligence, we open the Red Ray Chakra and let the energy pour through.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
Do you feel tense or uncomfortable with your sexuality or around the topic of sex?
Do you feel a constant need for sex?
Are you obsessed with it?
Do you hide your sexuality? Or do you exploit it?
Do you enjoy sex? Or do you have an aversion to it?
Does it make you feel embarrassed, shameful, or guilty?
Do you feel timid or restricted during sex?
Are you able to let yourself feel free during sex?
How do you feel about your body?
Are you comfortable in your own skin?
Do you honor your body?
What’s your relationship with food?
Do you have healthy eating habits?
Do you nourish your body and take care of it? Or do you abuse it or punish yourself?
Do you give it plenty of rest, attention, and exercise?
Do you appreciate your body and all it does for you?
Do you think it’s beautiful? Or are you ashamed of it and pick it apart?
RELATED: Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
Survival Needs and the Red Ray Energy Center
Our Need to Survive is Primal
The Root Chakra also deals with our fundamental need to survive. It’s concerned with security, stability, and our basic survival needs (like food, shelter, safety, comfort, and belonging).
Our survival also involves our connection to the planet.
That means our relationship with the natural world around us, accepting our place in it, and how well we enjoy the life we’re living on this planet is what gives us stability.
When we’re grounded in our physical body and deep in the earth beneath our feet, we feel secure and a sense of joy.
That ‘rooted’ feeling allows love/light (prana or the energy of infinite intelligence) to flow freely through you at the level of the Red Ray energy center.
How Fear Can Block the Root Chakra
When humans first came into being, our survival depended on a crucial mechanism designed to keep us out of harm’s way (like being attacked by a predator or some other life-threatening situation our ancestors encountered on a daily basis).
This is our ‘fight or flight’ response. And it kept us alive.
Fast forward to today, and we have far less need for this ‘emergency button’ system. But even though we may no longer be running for our lives or living in constant life-threatening danger, we’re still living as though we do.
Adrenaline starts pumping through our system every time we get cut off in traffic, race to our next appointment, want to ask someone out on a date, ask for a raise, or even speak in front of a group of strangers.
And this is how we live our lives on a daily basis.
But we were never meant to stay in this adrenaline-filled state for long periods of time. For the Red Ray energy center to function properly and remain open, our natural state should be one of rest.
This constant state of stress is exhausting and wreaks havoc on your energy body.
In addition to ‘normal’ daily stress levels that wear us down, we experience life events that may cause us to get lost in despair and resent life (like divorce, losing our job, or the death of a loved one).
This leads to emotions like depression, grief, and hopelessness.
And when we live in a constant state of fear or wish not to be here on Earth, we constrict our energy pipeline at the Red Ray level (sometimes to the point of complete blockage).
SIDE NOTE: The source of your despair can be caused by issues coming through any of the three lower chakras. But despair registers in the energy body as a Red Ray blockage. So, clearing of the blockage needs to begin at the bottom with Root Chakra.
How to Handle Fear and Disconnection to Clear the Root Chakra
When we feel disconnected from life, lost, or fearful within our world, we become so focused on the soap opera of our life that we lose sight of the bigger picture.
In our despair, we lack perspective. We feel helpless and hopeless.
And we lose faith that everything that occurs in our lives is for our benefit, even if it doesn’t seem that way at the time.
By zooming out and looking beyond our own concerns, we’re able to break free of our misery. Only then can we see clearly. Becoming aware of the beauty that’s happening all around us.
Then acknowledge your thoughts and emotions and allow yourself to fully feel them. They are energy that needs to be released. Repressing them only leads to blockages in the energy body.
So, find somewhere private and cry if you feel like crying. Scream into a pillow if you feel like screaming.
Experience whatever emotion arises in a safe way and learn from what it’s trying to tell you.
And if we’re able to remain faithful in our attitude that we are safe and all is well, we open the Red Ray energy center.
SIDE NOTE: Sometimes our fears, feelings of being lost, or detached from the world around us may stem from childhood. Or may even be inherited cultural wounds. Healing these deep-rooted emotions may require some shadow work. If you’d like to learn more about what shadow work is and some techniques that might be helpful in reprogramming old belief patterns, click here.
However, keep in mind that shadow work is about uncovering aspects of ourselves that we may not like, and then accepting those parts. Because we are everything. The light and the dark. The good and the bad. We must learn to love those parts of us and then find a healthy way to integrate them into our personality. It’s not about repressing them.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
How do you feel about life on this planet?
How do we well do you handle the energies of Earth?
Do you feel connected to nature? To Mother Earth?
Do you feel safe?
Or are you fearful of life and your surroundings?
Do you feel that all your basic needs are met and have faith that life will provide you with what you need?
Or do you constantly worry about the status of your security?
How often do you get outside? Go for hikes? Garden? Breathe in the fresh air? Feel the sun on your skin?
Do you feel like you belong here?
Do you feel calm and centered even when life seems chaotic?
Or do you feel anxious and live in a constant state of worry?
Do you feel depressed when you think about the state of the world?
Or do you have faith that all is as it should be and life always has a way of working out?
Do you believe we live in an abundant universe? Or do you live from a state of lack?
AD – Mama Wunderbar – Root Chakra Kit
Ways to Balance the Red Ray Energy Center
Understanding your chakras (and which life experiences relate to each one) is the only step needed to balance yourself. It’s the direct path to our goal of harmonizing the energy centers.
When you have greater love and acceptance for yourself and your life experiences, wisdom and understanding follow. There is a deep harmonizing that takes place. And then there’s balance.
And how do we assess if we have a chakra blockage?
Ra states that the best way to know if you have a blockage is to observe your thoughts and emotions. Whenever you have a disturbing thought or feeling, that’s an indication that you have a chakra blockage.
In terms of the Root Chakra, if you experience distorted feelings related to your sexuality, ability to survive, or connection to our planet, then you’ve got a blockage in your first energy center.
The Practice of Emotional Balancing
In the Law of One Material, Ra gives us a simple balancing exercise. It’s the practice of balancing our emotions.
First, allow yourself to experience your feelings. Fully and completely. In a safe way as to not cause harm to another, physically or emotionally.
Then consciously discover their polarity in the mind.
In other words, figure out what the opposite emotion of what you’re feeling is. And then balance that emotion with an equal amount of the opposing positive emotion.
What To Do…
For example, if you’re feeling anxious and fearful about the state of the world, balance those emotions with peace and calmness.
Meditation is a perfect way to do this. It naturally calms the mind and allows you to practice ‘beingness’ (which is exactly what opens the Root Chakra).
First allow yourself to feel that anxiety or fear by acknowledging it. Maybe try to pinpoint exactly what triggered you. Then try some deep breathing techniques or meditation to calm your body and your mind.
Or if, let’s say, an emotion like anger arises while you’re in a meeting, having a conversation with someone, or in traffic, take a few deep breaths and observe the feeling.
But don’t allow it to overtake you.
Instead, find a time when you can be alone to fully process what you’re feeling. A great time to review the emotions and experiences that you encountered during your day is in meditation or right before bed.
Or if you do get caught up in an emotion and react, don’t beat yourself up. It’s an opportunity to learn from the experience.
Review the event in your mind and what you could have done differently. Then journal about it and set intentions for how you would like to react next time.
Just be gentle with yourself. We’re all here to learn our lessons…and what you experienced is just one of the many lessons you signed up to learn.
So, in general, the best way to balance and clear the blockages within your energy centers is through the practices of meditation, contemplation, and reflection.
To learn more about these techniques, be sure to read the first article in this series Chakras According to The Law of One: Overview of the Seven Energy Centers.
As for clearing the Red Ray Chakra specifically, here are some exercises you can try.
Contemplation + Journaling
Remember all the “Questions to ask yourself” about our sexuality and survival needs listed earlier in the article? It’s time to put pen to paper, and take an honest look at how you’d answer those questions.
Writing down your responses helps you really hone in on what we need to work on. When we just mentally take note of things, we tend to forget about them.
So, observe your thoughts throughout the day regarding these areas of your life. If you have any concerns or negative emotions that pop up in relation to these Red Ray Chakra issues, take note and write them down in your journal.
If you need a place to house your thoughts, here are a few options to inspire you to keep track of your newfound intentions and document your progress.
What To Do…
If you do have any ‘trouble’ areas, it’s an indication of blockage within your Root Chakra. Take some time to set new intentions about your relationship with sex, your body, your connection to the planet, and your ability to feel safe here.
Then take action to balance those areas of your life.
Whether that’s through the use of emotional balancing, reflection, and meditation… Or physical actionable steps like dancing to feel rooted in your body. Visiting a therapist to work through your body or sex issues. Getting out in nature more and going hiking. Gardening. Camping. Walking on the beach. Or practicing daily grounding rituals to feel more connected to the planet we live on and safe within your environment.
Once you write down your intentions, stick to them.
And return to your list daily to see how you’re doing. And be sure to keep track of your progress.
You can also give affirmations a go. They’re truly an amazing way to reprogram your old, negative thoughts
But the key to making them work is repetition. It won’t happen overnight. But by writing them down, and then repeating them to yourself morning, noon, and night, overtime you’ll begin to see results.
For more information on how to effectively use affirmations, be sure to check out my How to Manifest A Specific Person With The Law of Attraction article and follow the instructions in Step #3 ‘Change Your Mindset’.
And click here for more information on how affirmations reprogram your subconscious and how to use them in the most powerful way.
A Few Affirmations to Get You Started…
I am safe, protected, and guided in this world.
With every breath, I release the anxiety and fear within me.
I love life and how it is always surprising me and providing for me.
I am confident in my own skin and love my beautiful, healthy body.
I am powerful, rooted, and strong.
Earth Energy Meditation
Here’s a powerful meditation to connect you with the energy of our planet and help you develop a strong foundational energetic root system.
What to Do…
Relax and get into a comfortable position. You can be seated or stand for this meditation. And although it’s preferable to be outside in nature for this meditation, it’s not absolutely necessary.
You can sit on your couch in the comfort of your living room if you want, as long as you’re able to fully tap into your imagination.
First, imagine Earth as a living breathing being. As our Mother Gaia that unconditionally loves, nourishes, and provides for us.
Now visualize Gaia sending you energy. Imagine it as a truly brilliant ray of red light.
It flows up from the Earth. Up through your feet, and then through your legs. It reaches your Red Ray center, and continues on its way upwards through the energy body.
Now, thankfully send that energy back down your body through your legs and into the earth linking yourself to our beautiful planet. Lovingly create energetic roots that dig deep into the Earth’s core.
When we “earth” our energy bodies with this visualization, we increase our sense of wellness and belonging. We have a connection with Mother Earth beyond it just being the planet we live on. Our bodies are made of Her material. And by linking to the Earth’s Red Ray, we can feel Her love and strength as we root down into the earth.
Or You Can Balance All Your Energy Ray Centers…
Check out this profoundly powerful Unity Consciousness Meditation (inspired by the Law of One teachings) that I created to help you activate, clear, and balance each of your energy ray centers as you connect with higher dimensions and intelligent infinity.
RELATED: Meditation Basics For Beginners: Benefits And Ultimate How-To Guide
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The Practice of Grounding
Grounding is not only therapeutic but is also a fantastic way to bring you back to the present moment and reconnect you to the earth.
So, what is “grounding” exactly?
Simply put, get out into nature and make physical contact with the Earth’s surface. Absorb the electrons within its surface by walking barefoot outside, sitting in the grass, feeling the sand between your toes at the beach, or sleeping under the stars.
Just allow the Earth’s delicious energy to nourish you and flow through your energy pipeline.
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Final Thoughts on the Lessons of Love in Our Third Density Experience
The end goal for us in this density is to develop great acceptance (or love) of ‘what is’ to the degree that emotional turbulence doesn’t occur. We’re here to learn the lessons of love. That’s what all of the catalysts we experience are teaching us.
The purpose of life is to provide catalysts or experiences moment by moment — each one a difficult test, one after another — to see how well we can accept ‘what is’.
So, the best way to be done with or no longer need the manifestation for particular difficult conditions (a catalyst/experience), is to learn what the goal of having that experience is. And then, surrender to it.
Because if you have some form of an emotional response, even if it’s only observed and not acted upon, you’re still using that particular 3D catalyst for learning.
Emotional balance means non-struggle or non-fighting. It means receptivity. When there’s a deep acceptance and receptivity, there isn’t a flow of painful emotion.
This balanced condition is not indifference or objectivity. But rather a finely-tuned compassion and love that sees all things as love.
Resisting or repressing any of our thoughts and emotions is a form of separation. Avoidance and aversion are also a form of separation. And that’s not love.
Trying to control or suppress our emotions will only further block the chakras and dim their light.
So, when we’re relaxed and calm concerning the issues in our lives, our energy bodies remain clear. Energetically speaking, we’re doing pretty darn well if we can stay fearless, self-confident, and trust in the fact that everything that is occurring is ultimately for our greater good.
This attitude is fundamental to your spiritual evolution.
- Chakras According to The Law of One: Overview of the Seven Energy Centers
- Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Sacral Chakra
- Chakras According to The Law of One: How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
- How to Open the Heart Chakra and Unlock Your Desires
- Ultimate Meditation Space Guide: How to Create a Sanctuary
- Ultimate Beginners Guide to Chakras