Everyone is You Pushed Out Explained: How to Change Your World
It’s a simple phrase with a huge impact. At its core, ‘everyone is you pushed out’ is a concept that carries a message of love and empowerment. And I think that’s something the world could use right now.
The phrase is most often associated with one of my favorite Law of Attraction teachers, Neville Goddard. It’s usually spoken of in terms of being a powerful manifestation tool.
But in this post, I thought it would be more relevant to discuss it in terms of how it relates to viewing the world and our place in it.
Because now more than ever seems like the perfect time to begin a conversation about love and compassion.
So what does it mean?
‘Everyone is you pushed out’ means that every single person in the world is a reflection of yourself, just dressed in different clothing.
It reveals that the world is only a reflection of what’s alive within you. It’s also a reminder that no one is acting independently of you because they are you.
And if you look a little closer, it reveals the secret to changing the world.
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The World Mirrors What’s Inside You
Ok, so if ‘everyone is you pushed out’ means the outside world is a reflection of what’s going on the inside, in your inner world, then you have to take a long hard look at yourself. You have to look at how you’re choosing to create the world around you.
What do you have going on inside of you?
If you’re afraid, worrisome, and full of anger, then the world you live in will be full of fear, chaos, and hate.
I don’t want to be a part of that world. I’m sure you don’t either.
So, let’s break this down. All negativity and suffering stem from fear. Feeling a lack of anything (security, love, money, fill in the blank) causes you to feel the pain of not having that thing.
This leads to anger, guilt, depression, shame, apathy, grief, and pride. All of these emotions are rearing their ugly heads because of fear.
Now let’s look at the world from two different perspectives. One of fear and one of love.
If looked at through one pair of eyes, the world may look pretty scary right now. Our lives have been disrupted, and there appears to be so much uncertainty that’s causing a lot of fear and confusion for so many people.
When there’s turmoil within yourself, you see countless examples in the world that mirror that inner conflict. Riots, angry mobs, heated conversations about what the right thing to do is, people afraid to go outside, anger towards others for not following the rules that have been created within your mind, and so on.
But let’s look at the world through the eyes of love. When your inner world is at peace, that same external world appears to be full of kindness and positivity.
You see the good and not the bad because it’s reflecting back to you how you feel on the inside.
Let me say it again. You create your reality. So, ‘everyone is you pushed out’ reaffirms that if you encounter an angry person, the anger is really inside you and is being reflected back to you.
When you look into a mirror, the person in the mirror only smiles because you, the person perceiving the image, smiles. The reflection in the mirror didn’t actually make the change or transform. You did.
In other words, the reflection in the mirror will change only when you change. And to do that, you have to change your perception of how reality works.
Reprogram Your Negative Reality
Lately, it feels as though we get up every day with a ‘hope for the best, expect the worse’ mindset. We can’t seem to shake the negativity.
So how do we get out from under this negative mindset? And how do we shield ourselves from it?
We turn on the news and are bombarded with stories of people behaving at their worst. Our televisions are flooded with programming that does just that — programs us.
We are programmed to live in fear and a state of hopelessness. And we’re controlled by those that keep us in these lower states of emotion.
We feel powerless over our environment, the people in it, and what happens in our lives.
When we spend so much of our day exposing ourselves to negativity in the programs we watch, the posts we engage with on social media, and the conversations we take part in, we are programming our subconscious mind.
The subconscious is a sponge soaking up every message, image, event, and emotion you experience. And those experiences form your belief system, which is creating your reality based on the beliefs that have been programmed into your mind.
If you’d like more fascinating information on how the subconscious mind works and how to reprogram it, check out the short clip below. (It’s only about 3 minutes long.)
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a biologist and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, can expand on the subconscious more scientifically than I can. So I’ll let him do what he does best.
Otherwise, feel free to skip the clip and forge ahead. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to save the world you go! So, keep reading because I know you’re on the edge of your seats.
So, distance yourself from the negativity and choose to program your reality with positivity. Make the choice to raise your vibration with uplifting stories on social media, meditate to clear your mind, and entertain yourself with positive programming that will empower, not disempower, you.
When you make the choice to pull away from the crowd and think differently, it’s liberating. You do have the power to change your reality and the people in it. Because the whole world is you pushed out. You created it.
If you don’t like what you see, it’s time to change it.
RELATED: How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Unlock Your Superpowers
Separation is an Illusion
Now that you know you are creating your world, let’s dive deeper into how you’re controlling the people that appear in your reality.
We’re taught that everyone in the world is separate from us. It’s a ‘me vs. them’ mentality. And it appears as though everyone else is operating independently of us.
But as I’ve said, everyone is a reflection of you. So, NO ONE is separate from you.
We believe that we have zero control over the actions of others unless we verbally or physically take action. We have to war against this, or fight against that. But this way of living only pits us against each other and is completely disempowering. Not to mention depressing.
Neville Goddard, the Granddaddy of the Law of Attraction that I mentioned earlier, believed that the human imagination is awareness (the infinite intelligence that created all of existence). He also insisted that the whole world is nothing more than a dream within your imagination.
And even though we’re unaware of it, we’re all sound asleep imagining the world into reality.
Just follow along with me for a second. It’s like when you go to sleep at night. The characters in your dreams are all you. There is no one else there but you.
Everything is taking place within your mind, and so you’re creating the places, the characters, and the storyline. It may feel as though there’s a you that’s separate from the other characters in your dream.
But they’re all you. Created by your imagination. And just as your imagination creates your dreams, the same is true in our waking life.
You are the director of the movie of your life, and you are every actor in it.
When you begin to fully awaken to and embrace the concept that everyone in this world is you pushed out, you wake up to your own power.
And now you’ve changed the rules of the game. You can now take control of your waking experience.
Everyone is Playing the Part We Assign Them
As we’ve said, every single person that comes into your life, into your awareness, is a reflection of what is alive within you.
They not only reflect what we’re feeling or experiencing inside but also play the part that we assign them based on our beliefs.
In other words, people show up however you think or believe they are going to show up.
If you believe your best friend never shows up for you. Or people always leave you. All women are bad drivers. Men always cheat. Or some other stereotypical notion of how someone is going to behave. Then people are going to do just that.
For example, when your kids talk back to you and refuse to listen, it’s because you have a belief that says, “My kids are always disrespectful and never listen to me.” They’re just filling the role you created for them.
It’s a hard concept for our brains to grasp. I get it. It sounds delusional.
But if we want something, we have to be it first. Not the other way around. You can’t believe one thing and wish for the opposite to appear in your world.
You, and you alone, create how the world perceives you and how you interact with the world. Everyone else is merely playing the role you assigned to them in your imagination.
And now, let’s drive all this home and discuss the most fundamental element of ‘everyone is you pushed out.’
Be the Love You Want to See
In actuality, no one is operating independently of you. Because we are all ONE. We are all connected by the same awareness playing different roles in this movie called your life.
The same awareness that flows through me is the same awareness that flows through you, and every person on this planet. There is only ONE awareness. And that awareness is looking through the eyes of every living being.
This is what all the enlightened souls in our world have been talking about since the beginning of time.
And in knowing this, take to heart the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Treat every being with kindness, compassion, and love because they are you. The whole world is you pushed out.
Love. Love. Love. All you need to be is love.
You are the world. You are your kids that won’t behave. You are your partner that drives you crazy.
The guy at work with opposing political views that you just can’t seem to see eye-to-eye with on anything. You’re him.
The woman causing a scene at the grocery store because someone walked the wrong way down the aisle. You’re her.
And the homeless guy standing on the side of the road. You’re him too.
You’re every single one of them.
No matter what your background is, your skin color, your politics or views, you are ALL of it. You’re the best of them and the worst of them.
So, embrace them all. If they’re behaving badly, instead of reacting to them, look inside yourself.
What is going on inside you that’s causing this person to show up this way in your world?
And then heal that which is within yourself that’s crying out for help. For love.
Change Yourself and Watch the World Change
Now let’s wrap this all up (with a pretty little bow).
If everyone is acting in accordance to what is alive within you, then they are only a creation of your assumptions, attitudes, and beliefs. And so, when you change yourself, they too will change.
Live by the principle of ‘everyone is you pushed out.’ Make it part of your everyday practice.
Because if you want to change the world, another person, or anything at all, you only need to change the way in which you perceive them.
Now go change the world. Spread the word! Spread your love!!
If you’d like more information on Neville Goddard and his most powerful manifestation technique, check out the post below.
RELATED: Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Technique: Unlock the Power of Your Imagination
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