41 Best Inspirational Movie Quotes To Win At Life
Inspiration,  Mindfulness,  Personal Growth

41 Best Inspirational Movie Quotes To Win At Life

Where do you turn when you need some awe-inspiring motivational words of wisdom to keep you after your goals, push you to greatness, or get back on your feet?

Why inspirational movie quotes, of course.

Is there something you want in this life but you don’t know how to get it? Have you reached that critical breaking point yet?

The point where it’s darkest before the dawn. That one defining moment that catapults you to heights you’ve only dreamed of.

Do you need some inspiration or a nudge in the right direction?

Inspiration can be found anywhere.

Even within a movie.

Movies, like dreams, take us to other worlds. When you turn on a movie, you step into its world. You become a part of it.

You become the hero.

When they fall, you fall. When they rise, you rise. Their victory becomes your victory.

If even for only a moment in time, you are one with a world in which you were inspired to greatness.

And when it’s over, you step back into your world and you bring that greatness back with you. It becomes a part of you.

That’s why I love movies. I love getting lost in them. They’ve always been a huge source of inspiration for me.

They’ve been my friend. My teacher. My therapist. And even at times a coach offering some tough love when I needed it.

Movies provide so much more than just entertainment. They give us inspiring quotes, powerful insights, and profound moments of connection.

Those moments when an actor says a line that sends chills down your spine. Words that seem to speak directly to you. Words that make everything snap into place, and suddenly life seems to make sense.

And even words that throw you from the ‘self-pity train’ you’ve been riding long enough to make you feel as though you could take on the world.

Because if they could do it, so could you.

When you get lost in a really good movie, there are these really magical moments that happen.

When you least expect it…W-H-A-M!

You get hit with a pearl of wisdom. (And depending on what movie you’re watching, you may get hit with several.)

So, come on folks! It’s time to get inspired by the silver screen.

Here are 41 inspirational movie quotes that have rocked me to my core, and given me a swift kick in the keister to get moving in the right direction. Oh yeah, and they taught me some pretty valuable life lessons, too.

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Save, Send, and Share the Encouragement

I’ve created graphics for some of the quotes below. Be sure to save them to your digital vision board and share them with a friend who needs a little pick me up and motivate their day!

And you’re welcome to use them on social media. Just be sure to tag me so I can like and comment.

41 Best Inspirational Movie Quotes - Gladiator

Powerful Movie Quotes That Will Inspire You to Greatness

1. Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear. Gladiator

Inspirational Movie Quote - Gladiator

2. When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you. Tin Cup

3. It’s only when we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. – Fight Club

Inspirational Movie Quote - Fight Club

4. The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. – The Wolf of Wall Street

Inspirational Movie Quote - Wolf of Wallstreet

5. You’ll have bad times but it will always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to. – Good Will Hunting

Inspirational Movie Quote - Good Will Hunting

6. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. – Gladiator

Inspirational Movie Quote - Gladiator

7. Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. – Rocky Balboa

8. It’s okay to lose to opponent. It’s never okay to lose to fear. – The Karate Kid

9. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. – Coach Carter

10. Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.  – Batman Begins

11. There’s a point at 7,000 RPM… where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. Just disappears. And all that’s left is a body moving through space and time…That’s where you meet it. You feel it coming. It creeps up on you, close in your ear. Asks you a question. The only question that matters. Who are you? – Ford v Ferrari

12. The way it works is, you do the thing you’re scared shitless of, and you get the courage AFTER you do it. Not before you do it. – Three Kings

13. When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it, always. – Gandhi (The Movie)

14. It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. – A League of Their Own

15. Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. – The Matrix

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41 Best Inspirational Movie Quotes - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Movie Quotes to Inspire You to Grab Life By the Horns

16. The core of man’s spirit comes from new experiences. – Into the Wild

Inspirational Movie Quote - Into the Wild

17. Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss. – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Inspirational Movie Quote - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

18. I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. – Titanic

Inspirational Movie Quote - Titanic

19. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Inspirational Movie Quote - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

20. Every man dies, but not every man really lives. – Braveheart

21. Get busy living, or get busy dying.  – The Shawshank Redemption

22. Don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period. – The Pursuit of Happyness

23. You can’t live your life for other people. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love. – The Notebook

24. I know what I have to do now, I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? – Cast Away

25. Never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It’s probably worth it. – The Beach

26. Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away. – Hitch

27. You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’– The Bucket List

28. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. – Dead Poets Society

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41 Best Inspirational Movie Quotes - Good Will Hunting

More Movie Quotes That Offer Sage Advice

29. When you get a different vantage point it changes your perspective … It allows you to see things you should have seen a long time ago. – First Man

30. To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life. – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

31. You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control. – Eat, Pray, Love

32. The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. – Moulin Rouge

33. I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it’s not some place you can look for because it’s not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something and if you find that moment, it lasts forever. – The Beach

34. Only if you find peace within yourself will you find true connection with others. – Before Sunrise

35. To find something, anything, a great truth or a lost pair of glasses, you must first believe there will be some advantage in finding it. – All The King’s Men

36. Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. – X-Men: Days of Future Past

37. Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine. – The Imitation Game

38. Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he? – It’s A Wonderful Life

39. Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? –  What A Girl Wants

40. Those are the things I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. That’s what made her my wife…People call these things imperfections, but they’re not, aw, that’s the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let in to our weird little worlds. – Good Will Hunting

41. A hero can be anyone. Even someone doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulders to let him know the world hadn’t ended. – The Dark Knight Rises

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Well, that’s my list. There are so many inspirational quotes and insights that movies have to offer us. This list only begins to scratch the surface. So, stay tuned for more amazing quotes…I’ll put together another list soon!

Now it’s your turn.

Are there any movie quotes that have greatly inspired you? Share them in the comments below! I’d love to know what movies have motivated you to greatness.😊

And if you have a question for me or a topic you would like me to share, send me an email and let me know. Thanks, y’all!

Love, Liz

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