Neville Goddard’s Manifestation Technique: Unlock the Power of Your Imagination
Today I’m passing along the life-changing teachings and visualization technique of Neville Goddard that will put an end to hope manifesting and attract all your desires accurately.
Do you want to attract better health, abundance, more love, and more happiness into your life? I’m going to just assume you said yes. Because who doesn’t? Right?
Well, lucky you. You just found your golden ticket, my friend.
This is a manifestation powerhouse guide to unlocking the secret hidden within your imagination. Because as Neville proved time and time again, “Imagination is the very gateway to reality.”
Test the technique for yourself and prove him wrong. I double-dog dare you!
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Table of Contents
- Who is Neville Goddard
- The Power of the Human Imagination
- The Ladder Experiment
- Core Manifestation Beliefs
- Goddard’s Visualization Technique
- Neville Goddard Visualization Meditation + Subliminal
Who is this Neville Goddard guy?
Neville Goddard is among one of the most influential manifestation teachers of all time. His lectures and books were some of the earliest teachings of the Law of Attraction.
Even half a century after his death, Neville Goddard’s techniques are some of the most profound and widely used among those who wish to create their desired reality.
As a firm believer in your thoughts create your reality, he empowered his audience to take control of their destiny and create the life of their dreams.
You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.
– Neville Goddard
🌟Want More? If you’re interested in adding some must-read Law of Attraction books to your collection, Neville wrote tons of books outlining his powerful manifestation techniques. The Power of Imagination is a collection of many of his most popular writings. Or check out his entire collection of books and lectures here.
The Power of the Human Imagination
Most people are totally unaware of the creative power of their imagination, and accept life on the basis of the external world.
But reality is actually more malleable in nature. When you discover this incredible power within yourself, you realize your imagination is the creative force that forms reality.
Neville believed that if you create a scene of your desire within your imagination and live as though that wish has been fulfilled (ignoring all physical evidence of your current reality), then the imaginal desire would manifest to become your reality.
Without a doubt, guaranteed to materialize before your very eyes.
Now before you write him off as out of his mind, this guy proved his techniques time and time again.
In his writings and lectures, Goddard gives countless success stories of these methods from his own life and those of his students.
Even naysayers were turned into believers.
Not Just Wishful Thinking
To be clear, Goddard’s techniques are not ones that promote thinking about your desire once or twice with a dreamy ‘that would be nice, but could never happen’ mindset.
That’s just wishful thinking.
This is a meticulous method of using the power of your imagination to create your reality the same way all driven, highly successful people intensely focus on their dreams and manifest them into being.
People like Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos used these visualization techniques to achieve their success, whether they did it consciously or not.
They cultivated an unshakeable determination to focus on their crystal clear desire and refused to accept any reality other than the one they’d imagined. They knew the power of holding their desire in their mind’s eye and lived from that end as if they had already received their desired success.
When you repeat the imaginal scene of your desired reality in your mind, over time it becomes impressed upon your subconscious mind.
Your desire begins to feel real as if it has already happened. This programs the subconscious to lead you in a direct path to your desire. Your dream becomes a physical reality in your world.
This is the secret to creation.
The Ladder Experiment
Neville proved the truth of his teachings by always instructing his students to perform a simple, yet powerful exercise to demonstrate that we manifest our physical reality with our mind.
The experiment included the use of his visualization process to materialize climbing a ladder.
Why a ladder?
Because it’s something that feels easily attainable to us. We don’t have any limiting beliefs or resistance in believing we could manifest an opportunity to climb a ladder.
And that’s the key to manifesting any desire. Not only properly performing the right techniques, but believing it’s possible. If you believe it, it will come.
Once you get that down, you can apply the method to any desire, and watch it materialize before your eyes.
The method is a simple exercise of visualizing yourself, in first person, climbing a ladder for three consecutive nights until you fall asleep.
Give it detail. What kind of ladder is it? What does it look like? Where is the ladder? What’s it leaning on? How tall is it?
Really feel yourself climbing the ladder. Use all your senses to visualize yourself climbing up and down this ladder.
Then let it go.
If you don’t climb a ladder within a week, repeat the process all over again. The point is to impress the thought of climbing a ladder upon the subconscious mind.
I Climbed a Few Ladders of My Own
Trust me, this experiment will turn you into a Goddard groupie. When I tried it, within a week I found myself playing Chutes and Ladders with my kids.
It wasn’t until halfway through the game I realized that I was climbing a bunch of ladders. And even though I think the universe was having fun with me at that point, I did find myself climbing an actual ladder to paint my back patio a few days later.
Um, so yeah. It works! Now it’s your turn. Give it go.
Core Manifestation Beliefs
1. Imagination is Awareness
At the center of manifestation, there is only one I am manifesting.
– Neville Goddard
Neville’s techniques revolve around the belief that the human imagination is awareness (the infinite intelligence that created all of existence).
When you use your imagination, you are connecting to the creative power of awareness. So, anything we imagine will be manifested outward.
Goddard insisted that when you use your imagination and claim your desire with a clear “I am” statement, you give awareness definitive instructions to give birth to that desire.
Anything that is attached to that phrase will become reality.
He believed that our imaginal world is the real world, while the physical world is only a mere shadow of the one we create with our imagination.
2. Everyone is You Pushed Out
The outer world is a reflection of your inner world. The same awareness that flows through me is the same awareness that flows through you, and every person on this planet.
There is only ONE awareness. And that awareness is looking through the eyes of every living being.
In any manifestation, you’ll witness a bridge of incidents that unfolds in order to bring you your desire. And you’ll see that other people play a part in getting you what you want because awareness is directing them to do so.
For more information on this concept, check out the post below.
RELATED POST: Everyone is You Pushed Out: A Game-Changing Concept
3. Anything is Possible
Anything (and yes, I said anything) you can imagine can be manifested on the screen of space.
When you visualize a reality different from the one you’re experiencing, everything will change to conform to the image you created. Everything in this world stems from your imagination.
And when your imagination impresses something upon the subconscious mind, it will manifest within your world.
That’s how you change your world.
4. Live in the End
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route your attention follows.
– Neville Goddard
To ‘live in the end’ means that you must ignore your current reality and faithfully live as though your desire has already materialized.
To feel as if you’ve already received that which you imagined. You have to tap into the future ideal version of yourself, and live from a point in the future where you’re living the life of that wish fulfilled.
Once your beliefs, mood, and thoughts match your desire, your attention focuses on leading you straight to it.
Neville Goddard’s Visualization Technique
Goddard perfected the visualization process with his imaginal act technique. It’s a game-changer in the world of manifesting.
He laid out detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use our most powerful manifestation tool to create anything we desire.
1. Construct an Imaginal Scene
First, you need to construct a short, detailed scene of what it is that you desire.
Do you want to be healthy? Be free of debt? Be more abundant? Travel more? Be married? Or in a loving relationship?
Only you know your deepest desires. So, it’s up to you what you want to create for yourself.
2. Write Your Happy Ending
After you’ve narrowed down exactly what it is that’ll make you happy to have in your world, write it down.
It doesn’t have to be long. Only long enough to include the details that would give the scene life.
Make sure to include all the senses and imagine the end. Only the end. The end is what your life would look like after you achieved this desire. Not the steps leading up to it.
For example, if what you want is to be married (either to a specific person or someone with your desired qualities), then don’t imagine getting a text message from them. Or being on a date with them. That’s the middle.
Instead, you should imagine a short scene where you see yourself wearing a wedding ring on your finger and hear your specific person say how much they love being married to you. Because being married to the love of your life is the goal, not just dating them.
Or if you want to be fitter and healthier, imagine a scene in which you are having lunch with a friend, and you’re eating something healthy (and delicious).
Look down at your body. See it the way you want it to look. Then imagine hearing your friend comment on how amazing you look. Maybe tell her about the 5k run you just did last weekend.
And if you want a promotion, imagine a scene in which your boss is congratulating you. Or your friends and family throwing you a party to celebrate your new promotion.
3. Enter a Meditative State
Ok, once you’ve nailed down the short scene you want to imagine. The next step is to get into what Neville called “a state akin to sleep.”
In other words, you need to be in a meditative state. So, shut out the external world.
Be unattached to thoughts, emotions, memories, physical sensations, and noises. Anything that is a distraction.
You must connect to your inner world, to awareness, in order to manifest.
The easiest methods to enter into this state are through meditation, or while lying down in bed before you fall asleep.
However, if you’ve mastered the art of focus and can enter a meditative state without the above-mentioned methods, then by all means do what works for you.
4. Imagine Your Desire in First Person
Once in the meditative state, use your imagination to take yourself into the scene of your desire in first person.
This step is crucial. Because if you visualize yourself in third person (like you’re watching a movie), awareness is watching the event happen to another person.
You shouldn’t be witnessing the scene like a bystander. You must be inside the body of the main character in your story. Hopefully that’s you. So look through your own eyes and take an active role in the imaginal act.
In order to manifest the desire for yourself, awareness must experience the desire first hand. That’s the only way to be clear that you want the desire to manifest in your life.
5. Feel it with All Your Senses
Bring your scene to life. Use all your senses to make it feel as real as possible.
Where are you? What time of day is it? Are you sitting on a bed? What do the sheets feel like? What do you smell? Is there fresh bread baking?
Ok, this scene is getting weird, but you get my point.
Use all five of your senses to create and fill the scene with details.
It may take a few minutes to set up the scene and get everything just right in your mind’s eye. But once you’ve settled into the scene, hear the director can call ‘Action!’ And let it roll!
6. Impress Your Subconscious Mind
Now, it’s time to plant the seed of your desire into your subconscious mind. Replay the imaginal scene in a loop. Once you reach the end, start over at the beginning.
Repeat the process until it feels natural, almost like a memory. If you do it enough times it will become impressed upon the subconscious.
You’ll evoke the overwhelming emotion of bliss like the imaginal act has already happened. And that’s when you know you’ve successfully planted the seed.
You may have to do this for a few days, a week, or a month. However long it takes to stamp your desire into the subconscious mind. But don’t obsess over it.
Just do the exercise and move on with your day.
7. Drop It and Let the Seed Grow
Finally, it’s time to let it go. Drop it like it’s hot!
You don’t need to imagine this scene all day every day. And you don’t have to do it until it happens. Only until you’ve planted the seed.
Like I said before, if it makes you feel good to revisit it every now and again, go for it. But it’s the neediness and the reacting negatively to your current reality that keeps digging up the seed.
If you keep digging it up, how is it supposed to grow?
When you live from the end, as though your desire is already here, you allow the universe the room to do what it does best. Create!
Let’s Recap:
- Construct a short, detailed scene of your desire.
- Write down the scene and focus only on the end (never any events in the middle).
- Get into a meditative state and connect to your inner world.
- Visualize in first person (not in third person).
- Use all five senses and plenty of details to make it feel as real as possible.
- Repeat the scene until it evokes the emotion of the wish fulfilled and is impressed upon the subconscious mind.
- Let it go and live from the end as though you already have your desire.
Now It’s Your Turn
Hey, we created worlds all the time as kids. We used to use our imagination like it was nobody’s business. It came naturally to us.
You haven’t lost that power. You’re just out of practice. Most of us haven’t exercised that muscle in a long time. We just need to reawaken that child within us.
As we get older, we’re told to stop daydreaming and that imagination is just fantasy. That it’s kid stuff. But it’s not.
It’s how reality is created!
So are you ready to put Neville Goddard’s technique to the test?
RELATED POST: 10 Ways to Boost Your Manifestation Power and Accuracy
Neville Goddard Visualization Meditation + Subliminal
And if you’re in need of even more Neville Goddard inspiration and want a boost in manifesting your desires, be sure to watch the meditation below!
Infused w/ quotes from Neville Goddard and subliminal affirmations based on his teachings, this powerful meditation video will help you manifest your desires quickly as it guides you into a state akin to sleep and rewires your subconscious to assume your desire within your imagination.
In this meditation, you will reach a deep state of relaxation and concentration. And in your relaxed and highly focused state, you will enter the state of creation and of manifestation. Within the energy of this focused state, you will be able to access the “all-there-is” and know your creative abilities are put into action through your intent.
You can listen to this video while meditating, during your visualization practice, or as background music. Be sure to listen to it for at least 30 consecutive days to imprint your desired new reality into your subconscious mind.
**I’ve also created a couple of ‘Living in the Wish Fulfilled’ videos chock full of subliminal affirmations designed to reprogram your subconscious mind to live effortlessly as if your desire has already manifested. There is a shorter version here (which I have also included down below) and an 8-hour overnight meditation version.
🌟 Visit my YouTube channel for tons of meditation music, affirmations, and subliminal videos designed to empower you, heal you, and help you create the reality of your dreams!
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